BDSM Stories: Mommy’s Domesticated Little Slut

With the blindfold buckled into place, Mommy has denied me the privilege of seeing her luxuriate just a few dozen feet away, past the ornate metal grill separating the bathroom from the rest of the sumptuous hotel room. I imagine the little waves lapping at her perfect body, nipples floating just above the surface. Mommy’s contented sighs and the gentle splashing sounds of her bath are music to my ears, even through the latex hood. My cock throbs within my black lace panties. I lick my lips and focus on my breath, just like Mommy taught me.

I try to meditate. I try to give my mind the calm stillness of a mountain lake. But then I imagine Mommy surfacing at the lake’s center. Her every motion triggers ripples that flow across my entire consciousness. I become very aware of the wrought iron frame supporting me at the waist, as I pull at the ropes binding my hands to the bedposts, holding me bent over the footboard. More rope spread my legs, and I tug at those too, while shifting my weight between the high heels Mommy locked onto my feet. She must hear the heels click on the wooden floor again and again, as my legs twitch like those of a horse eagerly awaiting Mistress’s crop. I know Mommy could see me from the bath I drew for her, but has she spared me even a single glance?

And so far she hasn’t mentioned the contract, the reason for our rendezvous. It feels like I’ve spent every waking moment thinking about it, about finally signing it and dedicating myself to Mommy. Legally binding myself to her service. It’s why we’re here, after so many conversations, so many comments on our shared doc. I think we’re ready. I think I’m ready, and I think Mommy’s always been ready. She was just waiting for me to get there before she invited me on this date. Fuck, she used the word “consummate,” and my mind delights at the intimation and promise there.

I have been lost in thought. It’s the only explanation for how she can suddenly be right behind me. “Are you ready, sweetie? Ooh, I see this part is.” I feel one fingertip smearing the precum around the head of my cock, and I murmur in pleasure, “Yes, Mommy.” My words, too, drip with desire. Her fingertip just continues to graze that magic spot, and it’s like she’s rubbing out each of my thoughts, one by one. “Mmm, I like that sound,” she whispers, and I realize I am moaning in delirious pleasure. “But right now I need your other head’s attention.” Mommy withdraws her hand, and I grunt in aching desire, pulling at the ropes holding me bent in place, helpless. I take a deep breath, and murmur, “Yes, Mommy,” trying not to sound too pathetic, with limited success.

I hear Mommy on the bed in front of me. “Good, boy,” she purrs, as she unbuckles the blindfold from my hood, revealing her still nude body kneeling over me. “Thank you, Mommy,” I say, in worship. She smiles as she lounges back, crossing one leg over the other so that her right foot dangles in front of my face. My eyes lock on her foot, the way she flexes her toes. Mommy laughs. “Mommy knows how to get your attention! I know you are eager, little one. But Mommy also knows what’s best for you. I need to know that you know what you’re getting into.”

I can hear the concern in Mommy’s voice, and I just nod, trying to look reassuring while bent over the foot of the bed and looking up at her from within my latex hood. She laughs. “I’m not going to take your word for it. You’re going to take a little test for Mommy.” She laughs again. “I love that you grow hard at the idea of taking tests. You’re such a good student for Mommy.” She raises one foot up just in front of my face, her big toe obscenely large in perspective. “Yes, Mommy. Please, Mommy.” I murmur, eyes fixed on the treat in front of me, so recently emerged from the bath. I stick out my tongue, begging like a good little one, begging with my tongue for a lick.

Mommy smiles, and I relish this image of her, nude, all legs and tits and sadistic mouth, reclining like a Greek goddess. “Let’s see what you have learned,” she whispers, and allows her toe to drift closer to me. I lean down, feeling the iron frame of the bed press harder into my waist but not caring, starting with a kiss, then a lick, and another, before I explore the toe thoroughly with my tongue. Then all over again with each toe, one by one.

Mommy slides closer to me, and soon instead of leaning forward like a thirsty animal I am feeling the force of her toes pushing into my mouth. I yield a little, suck some more. Then her other foot is on my face, almost cradling my cheek, before she hooks it behind my head, pulling my mouth deeper onto her first foot. It’s like Mommy is stepping on me even as I am making love to her foot, and I don’t notice how close her pussy has drawn to my face as she continues to scoot closer. She withdraws her foot so that she can drape her legs over my back, so that I am supporting them. I feel her power. I feel her heat, and now her pussy is as close to my face as her foot was when we started.

“Please Mommy,” I whisper, the one phrase both expressing my only desire and begging Mommy for permission.

Just then, as Mommy gives me that smile that means she is going to savor making me earn it, there is a knock at the door. “Oh! Who could that be?” There is a glint in Mommy’s eye, like on the blade of a knife. I grunt, feeling the blood rush farther into my cock. I hear the door to the suite open behind me. “It’s okay, sweetie. It’s Mommy’s very special guest.” She swings her legs off my back and crouches above me. “Come in, dear,” she calls, addressing the newcomer as I blush furiously, thinking about their view of me, legs bound and spread in sheer stockings and heels. I have never been so aware of how my skimpy panties don’t even cover my entire erection. Never have I been so grateful for a latex hood.

For her part, Mommy shows no sign of embarrassment at being nude. She smiles warmly, every bit the host welcoming the latest arrival to a party. “As you can see, we’ve already gotten started.”

Behind me, I hear an easygoing chuckle. “I should have known you wouldn’t want a conventional consultation.” The voice is deeper, maybe a man’s voice. “Did you even bring a copy of the contract?”

“Oh, this is a closed book exam,” Mommy says, patting me on the head. “Sweetie, this is my lawyer friend, the one who wrote all those drafts I forwarded.” I remember. Mommy followed through on her threat to send my rules doc to a lawyer to turn it into a real contract. It was all I was allowed to look at the last time I had permission to goon for Mommy. It was all I had wanted to look at. It was better than porn, all of my ideas of submission codified into something that could be legally binding. I hadn’t asked too many questions about Mommy’s lawyer friend. I never thought I’d meet him. “You’re turning beet red, and I haven’t even hit you yet.” A slap on my ass, and I grunt as my body leans into the wrought iron at my waist. I sigh as her hand caresses my bottom, as though to make it all better. “This is for your own good, sweetie, and mine. You will demonstrate that you understand exactly what this contract means, what each party is offering the other.” She traces a finger down the length of my cock, and I gasp in pleasure. “And you will demonstrate that you understand, even while distracted.” She suddenly squeezes my balls tight, and I grunt in surprise as she addresses her guest again. “Don’t worry, you can tell he’s turned on by this.”

When I hear his voice again, it has soaked up Mommy’s warmth and gentle cruelty. “If only law school had been like this, learning the finer points of mutual consideration. So this is the slut who wrote all those rules for himself?” I feel another hand on my backside, and although I am sure I could see him if I look over my shoulder, even with my hands bound, I keep my eyes shut tightly closed, like a baby trying to hide.

“You heard him, slut. Speak when spoken to.” Another slap on my ass, and I turn a brighter shade of red all over. “You may address him as Daddy.”

“Yes, Mommy,” I murmur, just loud enough.

“You write so well,” Daddy says. “And I love your ideas. But I’m here to make sure you understand that this is a real contract now.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” I say, louder this time, feeling the aftertaste of that honorific in my mouth, growing harder. 

I feel two pairs of hands roaming my body, exploring my legs and back, and I struggle to focus on Daddy’s voice. “I loved reading all that you surrender to your Mommy in your doc, but in a real contract, both sides get something of value. That’s what makes it a contract. That’s what makes it binding.” At the word binding, I feel Mommy’s hand close around my cock again, possessively. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mommy,” I moan. “Yes, Daddy.”

Mommy laughs. “This little slut will say yes to anything right now.” She caresses my backside, pulls my ass cheeks apart. “I want you to interrogate his understanding. I’ll be the bad cop.” I jolt forward into the bedframe after a hard slap on my ass.

“We’ll go over each of the three main provisions, what you called your vows. Tell us about your vow of poverty, what it would mean.” I feel Daddy’s hand on my back, gently grounding me, even as Mommy warms up my backside with her paddle.

“Yes, Daddy. Everything I earn will be deposited directly into an account exclusively controlled by Mommy. All of it.” I feel my cock swell, as though this confession is itself the surrendering of all my future income. “Mommy will give me an allowance. Just enough to cover my living expenses. And a little more… if I am a good boy for Mommy.” My cock grows even harder.

“But what do you get in return?” Daddy takes the tone of a teacher quizzing a confused child, and I find it really works for me.

“Mommy will continue coaching and mentoring me.” Mommy strikes me again, and I breathe deeply, focusing. “Mommy has already taught me how to appreciate my own value, how I can earn more for her.” Another strike, as Mommy moves down my backside. “So much of the growth in my earning potential I owe to Mommy.” With each strike, I feel like Mommy is beating the words into me. “All that I surrender to Mommy is an investment in myself, as well as in her.” I barely suppress a “fuck” as pain blossoms from Mommy’s final strike, and I try to breathe through it.

“Very good, sweetie. You’re turning Mommy on.” Her voice is soaked in arousal. Then I feel her hand caress my cock, just once, briefly brushing aside the sting of Mommy’s whip. “And I see you like the idea of learning at my feet, too. What do you think, Daddy?”

“Oh, he seems to be getting it.” He laughs, but I think I can hear the arousal in his voice too. “You went to grad school, I hear? So you know all about delayed gratification, waiting to realize your earning potential.”

I nod, “Yes, Daddy.” It makes sense. Everything I earn, in return for learning how to earn more.

Mommy is already releasing me from the ropes binding me to the footboard. My body is glad for the relief as I stand and stretch, but at that moment all I can think about is Mommy’s hand on my cock and how much I want it back. I don’t have much time to gather my thoughts before Mommy points to the rug beside the bed and gives me a one-word command: “Inspection.” I feel the rush of compliance as my body moves to obey almost before my conscious mind processes the word. I drop to my knees and lace my fingers behind my head.

I kneel there for what feels like an eternity. A feeling of vulnerability spreads across me, as I imagine their gaze on my body. “Mmm, the marks I gave you are coming in nicely. So pretty.” I feel Mommy’s hand on my thigh near the welts, one finger sliding up the garter framing her work. I wonder if she can tell that I am smiling contentedly now. “Now tell us about the second vow, slut.” Mommy’s voice comes as a whisper, and I can feel the warmth of her breath on my ear and on the hands psychically bound to the back of my neck.

“I surrender my pleasure to Mommy.” She steps in front of me and crouches down. I am gazing at her tits as I feel her hand wrap around my cock and begin to stroke it, ever so slowly. “I need Mommy’s permission to cum. I need Mommy’s permission to edge.” Mommy smiles at me and places her other hand on my cheek. “I need Mommy’s permission to touch myself. I need Mommy’s permission to touch her or even to fantasize about her touch.”

Mommy sticks her thumb into my mouth and it feels like an act of possession. I suck on it without thinking. “You little slut. And what do you get in return, little one? For giving me complete control over your cock and your holes?”

I remember how I struggled with this, having to articulate what I want and what I get out of it. It was easier to say I should get nothing. Mommy made me admit just how much I enjoyed being controlled and used, but that was only the beginning. “The pleasure that Mommy allows me is greater than the pleasure I can achieve myself. And Mommy will teach me pleasure like I have never known. I will learn how to bring pleasure and beauty to the world. To her. Mommy makes me beautiful.”

“Mmm, yes, I will make you better. I will take you to school, Mommy’s special finishing school,” she laughs softly. “Teach you how to be pleasing to others. Why don’t you show Daddy what you have learned? He missed your demonstration earlier, and after all, you owe him for his legal services rendered.”

He steps into view in front of me, above me. I look up at Mommy’s friend. Daddy. I look up at him from my knees, naked, my hands behind my head. Once upon a time I would have been mortified. Or maybe I would have gotten off on being forced to suck cock, thinking of it as “forced bi”. But at this moment, I look up at this man who forged my raw ideas into the links of an intellectual chain. He also has a dancer’s body and an easy-going grin, long hair that belonged on the beach more than in a law office. And he is a friend of Mommy’s, which says more to me than any degree. 

“Please, Daddy,” I murmur, as he approaches closer. With my hands still behind my head, bound by the psychic restraints I still imagined every time Mommy put me into inspection pose, I found the zipper of his pants with my teeth, and began to work them down.

“You fucking slut,” I hear Mommy say, and I recognize the pride in her voice.

Daddy has mercy on me and undoes the clasp on his pants. I do the rest, pulling his pants down, and then his silk underwear, ready for pleasure. I want to treat it just like Mommy’s cock, just like the dildos I have practiced with for her. I soon realize how different it is to suck a real cock, to feel it stiffen and grow in my mouth, the warmth and heat as it fills me. But I follow my training and only have thoughts of giving pleasure, of making my lips and my tongue the perfect holes for him to fuck. And that idea of being just a fucking pleasure toy gives me energy, fills me with life, makes me forget the ache in my knees. Fuck, the ache in my knees, in my jaw, it feels good.

All the while, Mommy cheers me on. “Good boy! Mmm, you have a talent you’ve been holding back from me, little one. Maybe this is your true calling. Maybe this is how you’ll earn your allowance. Everything you earn with your brain will be mine. I’ll only let you keep what you earn with your body. Minus Mommy’s cut, of course. I’m going to fucking whore you out. You’ll learn to be such a good cocksucker for Mommy, won’t you? Only the best for Mommy.” The entire time, she traces her finger up my cock, from balls to tip. Once for each sentence, as though she were feeding the words into my brain through my cock. “Oh, do either of you really think you get to cum now?”

Daddy backs away, his cock glistening obscenely. My own arousal surges on seeing my spit covering him, and on seeing my own desperation mirror in Daddy’s eyes. “Please, Mommy. Please?” I whisper.

“We have one more vow to cover,” she whispers back, wrapping a collar around my neck. A shock collar. “Which vow is that, little one?”

I breathe heavily, my arousal naked in front of her. I gaze at Daddy’s cock, hungry for it. I just murmur, “My vow of obedience, Mommy,” gazing into her eyes, feeling the contacts cool against my skin.

“Good boy. Shall we test my little training tool?” She smiles wickedly.

“Yes, Mommy. Please, Mommy.” She waits. She wants more. She leans down over me, her hands with the controls held innocently behind her back. “Please, Mommy, test the shock collar on me. Please. Please. Ple—” The jolt at my neck isn’t truly painful, more of a sting. But I feel that humiliation-adjacent emotion of being reduced, becoming small. Somewhere between Mommy’s pet and Mommy’s toy. “Thank you, Mommy.”

“I see Daddy is ready for me now,” Mommy purrs as he climbs onto the bed at her direction. “Do you want to join us, little one? Up.” I stand, keeping my hands behind my head, letting my thumbs graze the leather of the collar. She marches me to the side of the bed, pushes me onto it. “Now what exactly is your vow of obedience, sweetie?”

As she positions me against the wrought iron railing that serves as the headboard, I am still intoxicated with arousal. I speak in a daze. “I serve Mommy. I will do whatever Mommy says.” With rope, she binds my wrists to each corner, and then again with ropes around each knee. I am exposed, pulled open for Mommy. “I will be her assistant, do whatever I can to make Mommy’s life easier. Clean her house. Run her errands. Organize her affairs.” My cock aches, begging in its own way as Mommy and Daddy lounge on the bed and he begins to caress her. “Mommy alone determines whether I am behaving. She can withhold my allowance. Both of money and of pleasure.”

“Such a good little one. But, I think you might be too little to see this,” she smirks as she plays with Daddy’s cock, fully erect again, tracing her finger along the shaft, just like she had done with mine. “You’ll keep your eyes on mine, no matter what. You can listen though, while Daddy pleases me.” She laughs as my cock throbs. Then she works a vibrator under my garter belt, nestling the head next to my cock inside my panties. “Keep this warm for me,” she commands in a whisper, turning it on low.

I watch out of the corner of my eye as Daddy worships her, just the way I know she likes. The way I beg to worship her. I keep my eyes on Mommy’s, struggling to maintain a one-sided eye contact as her eyes flutter open and closed in pleasure while Daddy works his way up from her toes.

“And what do you get in return, little one? For your obedience.” Her eyes open and I am rewarded with a smile when she finds my worshipful gaze waiting for her.

“I get to be a part of Mommy’s life.” But it’s Daddy who is worshiping Mommy’s pussy now. I feel the zap of the collar and realize I am staring. “Thank you, Mommy!” I take a deep breath, focusing on Mommy’s eyes, even as she turns her attention back to Daddy’s head working below. “I get to be included in the family that Mommy has built for herself. She will be my Mommy. Control my screen time, my allowance. I get to watch Mommy live her life. I get to see how far she can go, how much pleasure she can achieve, with the support and service I surrender to her.”

I keep my eyes on Mommy’s face as she reclines back towards me and Daddy climbs on top of her. My peripheral vision is a blur of moving limbs, Daddy thrusting and thrusting. Mommy purrs like an engine of pleasure, revving up, building and building. She takes the vibrator from me and uses all of her toys to bring herself to a powerful orgasm, her eyes closing in bliss. Mommy stabs the button on her control, whether in reflex or to augment her pleasure, I don’t know. It transmits her wave of pleasure into the sting of the collar, and deep down I know that if I didn’t exactly fetishize the shock collar before, now this link to Mommy’s orgasm is searing it deep into my brain.

Mommy crawls up to the head of the bed, eyes gleaming. The orgasm seemed so powerful, like an explosion, but Mommy swallowed it up inside. She is ready for more. She brandishes the vibrator in front of my face, still slick from her pussy. I am glad not to be shocked, as my eyes lock onto the glistening fluids. When did my tongue come out, begging?

“You may kiss it.” She whispers. I feel the head of the wand touch my lips. I don’t dare lick my lips without permission. She stuffs the head of the wand back into my panties, nestled next to my throbbing cock. I can’t help but moan in frustration. Mommy smiles warmly down at me and with tender fingers, she removes the shock collar from my throat. “Well, I am satisfied. I think that means you can cum… one of you. Do you want to cum, sweetie?” She flicks the vibrator on, letting the wand massage her pussy juices into my cock.

“Yes, Mommy, I want to cum!” The words are automatic, bypassing my rational mind, soaked  in arousal.

“You’ve been such a good little one. You deserve to cum, sweetie.” My cock swells in my panties and for a split moment I think I will cum just from Mommy’s affirmation. She collects a drop of precum from the tip of my cock, puts it to her own lips. “So sweet. But I want my obedient little one to offer his orgasm to our guest.”

I am out of my mind, my cock straining at the waistband of my panties and my hands pulling at the anchor of Mommy’s ropes. “Please. Please, Daddy, let me make you cum.” I see that Daddy needs no convincing, he is above me but like me a subject to Mommy’s power. It doesn’t take much, my tongue on the heat of his cock, my slutty red lips taking all of his shaft.

“Fuck. Fuck, yes.” It’s all Daddy says as he withdraws, strokes ropes of cum out of himself. I feel it, the orgasm I surrendered to him, splatter across my neck, my chest, one spurt after another. A drop of cum slides from the latex mask into my mouth and I am fucking grateful for the taste.

“Thank you, Daddy. Thank you, Mommy.” The words emerge but I am in a daze, watching Mommy collect some more cum from Daddy’s cock.

“I think you understand the terms of the agreement, little one. And I know you are eager to sign the papers. But Daddy says that we must avoid any sign that you are signing under duress. I think this counts?”

Daddy takes a few deep breaths, almost seems to consider the question. “We’ll, hmm—”

Mommy laughs, checking that the vibrator is secure in my garter belt and panties before depositing more of Daddy’s cum into my mouth. And it’s true, I am an animal now, a slut licking cum off her fingers like it’s a drug. “That pause is enough for me. Mommy needs it to be legally binding when I take everything you have. On the up and up.” She stands up from the bed and begins pulling on her clothes. “I will untie your hands, but you will keep your hands behind your head until the battery runs out, while we enjoy dinner downstairs. Think about what this means.” She tosses the contract onto the bed in front of me. She brought it after all.

“This can all be just a hot fantasy, or it can be your new reality. You have to decide. If you like this fantasy, wait here, and you’ll get to cum tonight after all, during round two. Maybe I will make you cum myself.” My cock throbs. Even when Mommy has given me permission to cum, it has only ever been by my own hand. “But if this is what you want… Far from duress, I want to see your commitment. If you want to move forward, you will join us at dinner for the next steps. You may cover up and take off the hood, but you must wear everything else Mommy dressed you in.” By now, Mommy and Daddy are about ready to leave. She opens the door to the mirrored wardrobe, angling it so I can see my reflection. “That includes the pearl necklace Daddy so generously gave you.”

I am still staring at my reflection when they leave. I see a slut in a latex hood and splattered in cum. My hands bound in obedience behind my head. My cock leaking onto the vibrator from its prison of lace. My legs spread wide and helpless by Mommy’s rope, still wearing high heels, and my inner thighs illustrated by Mommy’s marks.

I know I must wait for the damned vibrator, for it to release its charge far too slowly for me to release mine. But I also know that my feelings wouldn’t change in one hour or a day or a year or a lifetime. Yes, I know Mommy will help me grow my earning potential. Yes, I will learn pleasures I had never even imagined. But both the money I earn and the pleasure I create are for Mommy, too. Everything I am is for Mommy. Being just a part of her life is all I need. Being an accessory to her greatness. Being Mommy’s domesticated little slut.

This is part of my BDSM Stories writing contest, contributed by an eager submissive. Want a more intimate look into my personal relationships? Follow me on my OnlyFans. Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter and for those who feel inspired by the above interview and want to make fantasy a reality, reach out.