Femdom Dominatrix Mistress Blunt Interviews Mistress Fae

Mistress Fae and Mistress Danielle Blunt talk about working in tech, dominating tech bros at tech conferences, sensual domination and people’s assumption about penetration and power, and our digital security work with sex workers.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Hello everyone. My name is Danielle Blunt. I am a New York City-based dominatrix and I specialize in psychological domination and high protocol training and feet. I’m one of the co-founders of Hacking/Hustling, which is a collective of sex workers and accomplices working at the intersection of technology and social justice. I’m a senior civic media fellow at USC’s Annenberg Innovation Lab, a just tech fellow at Social Science Research Council and on the advisory board of Harvard’s Berkman Klein’s Initiative for a Representative First Amendment. Yes.

I’m giving this more formal introduction to myself because today we are chatting with Mistress Fae about working inside tech and formal economies as well as in sex work. The last part about my introduction is that I enjoy watching my community thrive and making men cry, which is my favorite thing to make academics say when they’re introducing me, when I’m speaking on a panel. And everyone’s very uncomfortable and I’m very pleased. Without further ado, I am here with Mistress Fae and I would love if you could introduce yourself.

Mistress Fae:

Yes, I am obsessed with your intro. There is no way to top that. I’m Mistress Fae. Hi. I’m a professional dominatrix among other things. I spent about a little over a decade in the tech industry in a variety of different roles, mostly at a pretty high level. I don’t share the specifics of a lot of those roles because it’s an identifiable career path. But the one I am much more public about because it’s the oldest role I had, was I started out in my career as an engineer and then moved through many different things. Now, my own side projects mostly involve a lot of digital privacy and security consulting for other sex workers. I teach operational security workshops. I do pro bono consults with other sex workers, mostly focused on areas related to digital privacy, security. But I don’t know, people come to me for everything. Sometimes it’s like my site got hacked sometimes I don’t know what to do with my SEO. I’m sort of like the community’s tech supporter, which I am very happy to be.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Our tech doula and how appreciative we are. I feel like it was so exciting getting introduced to your work as… Hacking/Hustling also does a lot of digital security trainings and it was just really cool seeing other people doing this work. One thing that I was super excited to chat with you about is that I feel like my career path went… When I graduated college, I spent years as an internationally exhibiting artist and was doing really well in that game and I was just getting really bored of it. I feel like I gamed it. I feel like I won, I did all the things on my tick box that I wanted to do in this gallery, in this space. And I was like, “Honestly, I just want to make porn now. This is what I want to be doing.” I was really tired of selling myself as an artist and I would prefer to keep my artistic practice more personal and moved into doming full time.

I am trained in an old guard capacity as a lifestyle dominatrix and started doing that more professionally as I was finishing college. When FOSTA-SESTA was signed into law and around the time when, the five days in between when Backpage was taken down prior. We formed Hacking/Hustling out of this crisis emergency space. And a lot of what we have been doing was intervening in academic and institutional spaces. So, a lot of my experience with the academy or institutions or corporations comes from already having 10 plus years of sex work and trying to bring sex workers into those spaces. One thing that comes to mind is having a sex worker-led conference at Harvard that we did. And I feel like with your experience coming from 10 years of tech and then moving into sex work, I’m so curious what that transition was like for you and some of the pros and the cons and what led you to make that decision?

Mistress Fae:

Yeah, it was really interesting. I’m coming from a very privileged standpoint because a lot of people who come into sex work, they’re coming from very disadvantaged backgrounds. There are a lot of people that come into this because there are artists or they are entrepreneurs and they need to support their main hustle, their main business. And in my case, when I was in the tech industry, it was almost like survival work for me. That was the thing that I got into because I wanted to make a bunch of money. I wanted to move out of the little hickville town that I grew up in and I wanted to move to New York City. I wanted all these things. So, I started doing tech stuff and engineering when I was a kid. I was maybe nine or 10 when I taught myself how to code because I really wanted to get out.

So, tech was never really my passion. It’s something I’m passionate about, but the drive behind it was honestly just making enough money to get to where I needed to be. And then one day after I’d been in it for quite a long time, I was at the top of my field in what I did. Every single person watching this is intimately familiar with my work. I hit a point where I was like, “Shit, where do I go from here? What do I do now? There’s not really anywhere else to go. I’ve climbed this corporate ladder. I’m getting pushed into increasingly awful layers of middle management. It doesn’t really matter how good I am, how impactful my work is, how well-known I am. There’s pretty much nothing that’s going to get me the type of respect that I crave as a woman in tech.” So, I decided to just say fuck it, to take three months off and to do whatever the hell I wanted.

So, I left tech on very good terms. I assumed honestly that I would go back to the industry shortly after leaving. And I very quickly realized that there is absolutely no way I could ever go back to that environment. I was mainly working as a performing artist and very quickly realized that while it’s very fun, it does not pay the bills. I kicked around the idea of going back to the tech industry, but every time I read these job postings, I would get horribly depressed. I started working as a sex worker in late 2019 when I met a woman up in Montreal who was working as a pro dom. And I’ve always been kinky. I was often performing in kink spaces. And I told her, “Hey, I’m really interested in this. Can I hire you for a consult?” And she said, “I’ll do one better. I’ll give you a consult, some homework, and I’ll do a photo shoot for you that you can use to apply to dungeons.”

Thank God for this woman. She was absolutely an angel. I think she’s left the industry since then, so I won’t call her out. But yeah, she helped get me started and once I started doing this work, I immediately fell in love with it. It felt like for me it was the intersection of things that the world needs, things that I’m good at, things that make money, and that was just my perfect circle. In 2020 when everything crashed, I remember waking up in the mornings, reading through more job postings and just crying at the prospect of having to go back to tech. I think it’s a very privileged standpoint, like I said earlier, because I didn’t have to panic quite as much about the career change. I knew I could always go back to tech if I needed to. I knew I had that job security and stability, I still do, but for me, sex work is a very active choice. If I don’t like this job, I will go do something else, but I love this job, so here we are.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah, I feel like it’s a complicated thing that the more privilege you have in the industry, the more enjoyable the work becomes, which I think is true in any industry and with any form of labor is that the more agency that you have, the more ability you have to say no. The more ability you have to choose the circumstance of your work, the better it is and the less coercion and violence there is. And it’s definitely a privilege thing that I feel as well.

Mistress Fae:

Yeah, it definitely is. I think it’s really interesting that you’re taking a lot of your skills and your experience and your viewpoints as a sex worker and bringing them back into academia when I feel like I’ve been doing the reverse. I have a little bit of a Robin Hood thing where I’m taking all this insider tech knowledge and all of these things and trying to give them back to the sex work community. I feel like that exchange of information is super, super valuable, especially now that hopefully the world is progressing more, at least in the U.S., more in a direction of acceptance and of normalizing this as a job.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

It’s so funny that you say Robin Hood because I’m thinking like, okay, if I’m the opposite, I’m like, oh, Trojan Whores is what I called myself when my friend Daly and I gave a talk at this conference, Lesbians Who Tech and they-

Mistress Fae:

Yeah, I used to go to that.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

It was such an interesting experience is how I’ll describe it. We never went back, but we gave a proposal, it was accepted. I think they might’ve reached out to one of us to give a talk. We gave them out proposal, it was accepted, and they’re like, “Now, just change the title and everything about it.” They really wanted it to be about content moderation, sex work in Nazis. And I’m like, “No, this is specifically about… We’re talking about FOSTA and SESTA. We’re talking about this law that has devastated our ability to work. We don’t need to tie it into a broader thing for people to care about it.” We were like, “Fine, we’ll change the title. No problem.” And we gave this 20 minute very incendiary talk where we called them out for being sponsored by Palantir and BlackRock.

It’s really fun for me to bring my dominance and aggression and assertiveness, and I think I ended the talk by being like, I too… first of all, they wanted me to pay $500 to talk at their conference. Yeah, it’s wild. They offer a queer-friendly discount of $250. It’s a very stupid conference, but I was like, “As a queer dominatrix, I too offer a queer-friendly discount and I don’t have to partner with organizations like Palantir in order to do so.” We got a standing ovation and the moderator was very freaked out. They didn’t record it. Something happened to the recording and the moderator was like, “Let’s give them a round of applause and promise we won’t make this mistake again by overlooking sex workers and in this lesbian tech community.” We were not invited back, I’m going to be very clear. The recording disappeared. We were not invited back to the space, but I did get a few session requests, which was very nice.

Mistress Fae:

That is phenomenal. Honestly, that’s really horrifying to hear that they wanted you to pay to speak there. They were offering me and some of my coworkers free tickets because of the company that we worked at. And so-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

That’s interesting because I felt that they… Just because people’s companies will pay for it was the reason that most of their speakers come from companies who would pay to send people there. I thought that’s where that came from. We didn’t pay. I wouldn’t have paid to talk. But I was like, I’ll go to San Francisco and yell at some people in tech, no problem.

Mistress Fae:

God, I absolutely love that. That brings me nothing but pure joy to hear.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

We had a slide, which I’ll send you, but it had all of the white CEOs of the major tech companies and it said Johns to watch out for on it. It was fun.

Mistress Fae:

I think I’m in love with you. Oh, my.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Very fun. The last part of that story is I was doing a bunch of talks around this time about FOSTA-SESTA in largely tech spaces sex workers were not invited to. I would always end with a very sexy photo of me and be like, “Since all the platforms I use to advertise on are decimated, let me use this as an opportunity to let you know about my services.” I had just wound-up hustling at all of these conferences. I used to use tech conference hashtags with photos of my feet or boots and would just wind up in rooms with tech bros and just ruining their fucking lives.

Mistress Fae:


Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah, it was so fun. I found a service submissive who wound-up driving me seven hours home from a conference who I was in touch with for a while. I’m just like, “Use any tool that is accessible to you.” We had to pivot. And that was a pivot that I made.

Mistress Fae:

Oh, my God, that is absolutely incredible. That’s just brilliant. I feel like I’ve such an aversion to tech conferences now. I’m just thinking of this huge stack of those lanyards with the badges that I used to keep hanging on my door from all of these tech conferences, which I’d mostly go to for recruiting purposes. But dear God, I cannot imagine going back in that environment. I feel like it’s something that, to me, felt so deeply oppressive. I think you also have this advantage of you’re not an engineer. You’re someone who is extraordinarily tech literate. You know so much about all these related things, but you’re not directly a threat to anyone’s egos because you don’t do precisely what they do. That’s where for me, I think if I try to go out to a tech conference and recruit some hot tech boys, I don’t think it would work because I’ve really rarely get to play with engineers actually.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:


Mistress Fae:


Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I’m surprised by that because they seem so ripe for humiliation. I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about that, that I don’t have… I’m not developing technology that everyone could use. I am exploiting that technology to serve my purposes is how I think about it. But that’s really interesting. A lot of my clients work in marketing or tech, and I’m super curious what you found. Who tends to gravitate towards you?

Mistress Fae:

It tends to be people in adjacent fields who are attracted to the idea of an intelligent woman who’s very skilled in something. So, they find my technical background and expertise very impressive and attractive for those reasons. Like doctors, lawyers, finance people, those tend to be the ones that are drawn towards me. I do occasionally get tech guys and occasionally they are into humiliation. The problem is they’re rarely into the type of things that I want to humiliate them for. Although I did have-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Like their code.

Mistress Fae:

Exactly. I did have someone once where we did the hottest scene. He was an engineer for a major tech company and he came in and I just ripped him a new one. I was like, “Oh, you write JavaScript. Wow, that’s embarrassing for you. Have you thought about learning a real language? I bet when you do code reviews, everyone sits there and stares at your work. In the back of their minds, they’re all thinking about what they’re going to write in your performance reviews and it’s not going to be pretty.” By the end of this scene, he was in tears. He was like, “I don’t know how I’m going to go back to work.”

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

It’s only fun if it’s real. He’s probably learning another language now to heal his fragile little ego. I truly believe that humiliation is only fun when there is that kernel of truth to it.

Mistress Fae:

Yes. Yeah, you need that element of realness. Most of the times that I use humiliation, it’s in more of a constructive way almost. I love humiliation and degradation for a purpose. I was just playing with a submissive of mine who works at another very stressful, very stressful tech company, and we did a scene right before he was going up for a promotion actually, where we did this really hot feminization scene and it started with me interviewing him as his manager and asking him, how do you think your performance has been? Because personally, I’m seeing, not issues with your work, but issues with your confidence and with the way that you are presenting yourself with your inability to stand up to all the attractive women in your workplace. And we really worked through those issues through a process of feminization, of putting on the wig and the dress and practicing walking into the room with the confidence of a hot woman. And at the end of-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Oh, fun.

Mistress Fae:

Yeah. It was very fun. At the end of the scene, it was like, “That’s how I want you to go back to work. I want you to go back into these meetings with that confidence that you felt when I had you in those heels and that dress. That is how I want you to approach your work.” It’s something that I think if done correctly, those type of role play scenes, that type of humiliation can actually be really empowering.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah, I think there’s something so necessary about the breaking down of the ego in order to reform it in another shape that’s actually serving you and actually useful. I have a submissive who I work with very closely and is a very dear submissive to me who works at a big tech company and is on a very fast track to managing more and more people, and they’re just pushing him in that direction. He has some coaching from his company as well to learn some of the more managerial traits. So, he’s like, “It’s so interesting how much I’ve learned from you being applicable that I’m excelling so fast in what they’re teaching me too.” It was really cool to be like, “All of this support to make mommy more money.” Of course.

Mistress Fae:

Love that. Honestly, that does not surprise me because you’re so widely known for having such a really deeply thought-out point of view on D/s dynamics and on the scenes that you craft for people. I know that you do so many scenes with your submissives that are rooted in improving them and making their lives better and making them into these better, more productive, more effective, more rounded people. I think that that’s really beautiful.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Thank you. I appreciate that. I hope so. I really think BDSM can be so transformative. I always say I don’t think BDSM is therapy, but it can be therapeutic. Like any somatic practice, any body-based practice, I think that BDSM can open up new pathways where people have been very, very stuck. And it’s something I’ve seen time and time again. Also, just the importance of taking that hour, those few hours to attune with someone and mono-task, I think is something that we just are so missing from life.

When you were talking about the 10 years of tech work hell that you experienced and a three-month off, I’m like, “Yeah, sure. I guess tech gives better time off than a lot of other industries.” But also, capitalism in general just doesn’t give us that time off to reflect and sit with ourselves and be like, is this what I want to be doing with my time? Is this what I want to be doing with my life? What do I feel in my body? How is this serving what I want my purpose to be? When I was hearing you talk about those three months off, you were like, “There’s no way that I can go back right now.”

Mistress Fae:

Yeah. There was really, it was something where it’s really actually similar to what you were saying. It was always very hard for me to tap into my body and to really feel things fully. The few times when I really felt like I was connected to myself and my body while I was stressed out in tech were when I’d go to kink events and I’d be doing a scene with someone. I’d be really focused on intensely whipping someone or one of my friends would tie me up. And those were the few times where I could really turn my mind off and relax. And now, as someone who does this professionally, the thing that I love to do is to watch these really stressed out, high-powered, type A people give up that sense of control and could very voluntarily release it to me. As our relationships grow over time, they start to learn that they can trust me with more and more of that. It’s really rewarding to watch them get back into their own bodies and to facilitate that experience that I desperately wanted when I was working 12, 14 hours a day every day.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah, I think it is such a gift that people can give themselves is that time. The other thing I find in common with a lot of the people who see me is that they’ll follow me for a while, years, and then be like, “Okay, I’ll take the plunge. Can we set up a date or something like that?” And I think it’s really interesting because there’s something on Twitter that’s like, Book the Girl. Life is short, book the girl. I can’t emphasize that enough. These experiences, they can be so fun and that’s it, and that’s fine. They can be so sexy and hot and that’s fine. Or they can be life-changing and transformative and give you precisely what you need.

Mistress Fae:

Yeah, it really is something that I think tends to blow people’s minds when they’ve had a good scene. Over the years, I think we’ve both gotten very selective about who we see and want to make sure that we’re going into any sort of kink dynamic with clear expectations and with an understanding that we have very compatible kinks because why play with someone you don’t get along with? I think that some of the people who, interestingly enough, I have had the best dynamics with are actually people who I didn’t used to work with directly, but people who are at the same companies that I used to work at, which is always a really toeing the line there.

I’m not very publicly open about the specifics of my background, but in private I’m happy to rattle on about things. And I do have a few submissives who I used to work with at the same companies, at the same times, and they come in and I’m like, I know exactly what season it is for you. I know exactly what’s happening at your job right now. I know precisely how stressed you are. They can tell me three words and I’m like, “All right, this job is your life. I know the whole status of your life. Let’s go. I’m going to fix this.” It feels really good to be able to do that. And it’s almost in a way, edge play for me because there’s sort of-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah, you’re edging yourself.

Mistress Fae:

Yeah, it’s that weird, ooh, this is so fucked up. I used to have such a kink forgetting into hot sex situations with my coworkers. I was always the one trying to seduce the IT guy. I love that forbidden romance kink dynamic and that’s something that I love to play out in the scenes that I do with people that are from my old industry. It feels really fun.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

That is very fun. I feel like you hinted at a story you had for me about playing with tech nerds. I feel like is a common overlap of some of the people who we like to play with. I would love to hear more about that.

Mistress Fae:

Okay. One of my absolute favorite of all time submissives, I adore this man to death. He is super fun, super creative, and we bonded really hard over having very similar takes on the tech industry in general. I’m someone who, even while I was in tech, I was going very hard on privacy and security considerations. I was very pro ethical AI, very anti a lot of hype around newer technologies. Things like NFTs I’ve been talking shit about since day one. He’s very similarly technologically aligned. I just did a scene with him and my friend Sybil that was unbelievably hot where the whole premise was that it’s like an alternate dystopian future. Neuralink has sort of blown up. There’s been a bunch of video games that were produced using these techie brain implants. And as a result, a lot of men, in particular younger men, got these brain implants because, of course they did.

They wanted to play these video games and there’s nothing wrong with that. The implants can’t possibly be dangerous. They can’t possibly be insecure. They would never do things to violate your personal autonomy or privacy. Definitely not. So, Sybil and I played these really hot femme biohackers where we kidnapped this submissive. He’s a representative of the company. He’s been working there for years. He’s fairly high ranking. We kidnap him and we try to reason with him. We told him, “Listen, we know that you’re an advocate of this technology, but it can be dangerous. It can be abused and misused and you need to come out publicly and speak against this. It’s going to cause so much damage if you don’t do this.” And he was like, “Absolutely not. I can’t do this. This is just the cost of progress. This is what it takes to really move forward as a society.”

And I love this man to death because I, at one point, was screaming in his face, letting out all this rage that I’ve built up like, “You thought this was worth all these unethical experiments on murdering these monkeys. How can you justify this?” I was just screaming at him. Finally, Sybil and I look at each other and I’m like, “I told you.” She’s like, “I know you’re right. You’re right.” And I’m like, “He won’t listen to reason, so we have to use force. It’s the only way.” So, we start to hook him up to these… We take those electrode pads for Tens units and obviously it’s not attached to anything, but we’re sticking them onto his head. We are putting a pulse monitor on him and I pull out something that I designed specifically for him. I use two different AIs to generate a fake video game loading screen.

So, I pull out this game and I show it to him and I’m like, “We are connecting you to our hacked version of this game, Neuro Journeys, and I want you to watch this screen.” And he’s staring at the intro and it starts glitching out, it shows his username, it’s connecting, and then he slumps over. We had a special hack that we used with this game that bypasses the usual security and control mechanisms of this chip through scent because as we all know, scent is very directly connected to… It bypasses, what is it, your prefrontal cortex? We decided to use scent worship and some CBT, all of these techniques to get him to do absolutely depraved things while we filmed it and live-streamed it to the entire Neuro Journeys community.

Everyone with this chip in their heads was watching this as a proof of concept of what we can do. At the very end of this scene, I looked at Sybil and I was like, “I know we decided we were only going to hack him and control him and turn him into our helpless submissive toy. But now I want to hack the game servers directly and upload this so that everyone uses the hacked game because can you imagine the good we could do if we controlled the minds of most of the men in this country?” And she looks at me and just starts cackling. It was like the perfect edging to the scene.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

So fun. How many new subscribers after live-streaming this did you make? I feel like they’d be willing participants to be honest. You should be the steepest incline of subscribers. That is so fun. Whose idea was this? When you do role play, what’s coming from your submissive? What’s coming from you? What’s coming from the other doms that you’re playing with?

Mistress Fae:

It’s a huge variety, actually. In this case, the way that I usually play with this submissive of mine is he will propose almost like an environment for me to construct a scene within. So, he proposed this alternate dystopian future. He was like, my idea is, and he sent me a lengthy email outlining how we got to this point in the future, how tons and tons and tons of people have this brain implant, how it was a video game that caused people to want to do this. And he basically wrote some very solid sci-fi outlining how we’d get to this scenario. Then the actual scene itself is up to me. So, I really latched onto the video game part of that and was like, “I love the idea of him as an employee. We’re using this hacked game to control him and really hitting on these themes of how the tech industry largely ignores the consequences of their work and the ethics of the work that they’re doing in favor of this blind devotion to progress.”

I thought it would be really fun to leverage our shared sense of, I don’t know, what is right. And to construct a scene where we all feel like we’ve won in the way. He basically proposed the scenario and I came up with the scene and Sybil just took a bunch of the points I gave her and ran with them and came up with so many clever little bits like the electrodes on the head and the pulse monitor.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I feel like the collaboration is so fun with world building. I have a submissive who sees me very regularly and writes really hot literotica for me for my blog and just so creative in this world building. One of my favorites is an alien abduction story where I abduct him and inaugurate him into the hive mind of all of my submissives who are out there doing my bidding and my work and are all carrying my seed. It turned into this really hot impregnation fantasy and I just loved the way he spun all of these things that I’m interested in. He takes his interest and is able to see where it’s aligned. He said to me multiple times, he’s like, “I don’t know if these are my fantasies or if you’re writing them for me, just through your influence over me.” It’s been so fun to explore fantasy in that way.

Mistress Fae:

That’s so incredibly hot. I love that. The layers to that are amazing.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

It is very fun. I love the idea of… It reminded me of that because of the control over… That little flip over people’s heads just to turn off their rational thought and just utter and complete compliance, I think, is so hot. Which actually reminds me a little bit. When I was perusing your website before this conversation, you were talking about your interest in hypnosis and sensory deprivation and all of these sexy things combined with bondage. I’m curious, I feel like that and both of our interests in high protocol training for me go together really seamlessly and it all aligned with psychological domination of emphasis on surrender and going deeper into the body, into the mind, playing with neuroplasticity and coming out of it changed. I’m curious about your interest in hypnosis and psychological play.

Mistress Fae:

Yeah. I love doing scenes with a heavy theme of transformation. Anything where you start in one state and I am transforming you into a different, more desirable state is something that’s very interesting to me. I love scenes with a plot and a journey and a goal. There’s plenty of scenes that I do that are much more of the, oh, I’m your hot girlfriend and we’re just going to play and have fun. I absolutely love that. But the scenes that I do that are a little more technically complex, I think really scratch that creativity itch for me. A lot of the scenes that I do involve themes of transformation. I’m really, really into scenes that involve the elements of you’re starting here and I’m turning you into someone else, or I’m helping you grow and change in this way. I think that scenes that involve hypnosis and sensory deprivation that really helps break you down physically, mentally and emotionally and put you into a state where you’re more receptive to those changes or those transformations.

One of the things that I do to calm down is I meditate, I go to yoga, I have this whole stack of things that involve basically turning my brain off either very passively or very actively and relaxing. And when I’m in that state, that’s when it’s really easy for me to really grow and change and push my life in a better direction. So, I love to give other people that same experience.

I did this scene with a submissive… We’ve actually done this scene a few times where he’s very, very anxious whenever he sees me. He’s super nervous and I’m like, “I don’t know why. I don’t bite that hard. It’s nothing to be scared of.” But for whatever reason he’s nervous. So, he comes in and I always start with a nice gentle hypnosis induction. I think a lot of people do this very, oh, hypnosis is me talking softly to you, but for me it’s like, no, I am going to put you through a full three-phase induction. We’re going to progressively relax every part of our body. We’re going to do some visualization, we’re going to do all of this, honestly, quite unsexy stuff because I do genuinely want you to be relaxed and to feel that sense of calm and safety before we start to explore anything deeper. For a lot of people that are into things like hypnosis, I think that they’re turned off by that. They just want someone to speak very softly to them in a nice ASMR voice. And I’m like-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

There is a difference between ASMR and hypnosis that it’s not talked about in the femdom community.

Mistress Fae:

Yeah, they’re really not the same thing. So, this submissive who gets very nervous whenever he sees me, that’s how he reacts whenever he meets women in his day-to-day life, in his dating life. His nerves and his anxiety, he feels like, are really holding him back. He has a stutter. It’s something that comes out for him. We do these scenes where I basically put him under and I talk him through these scenarios. It’s a lot of verbal instruction where he is on a date with me, he’s meeting me out on the street, we’re getting coffee, I’m seducing him. He starts out as this nervous awkward person and I talk him through these scenes where he’s improving his approach to me. He’s becoming more confident. He’s growing into this person that I want him to be and he’s able to do this because I am the one controlling him. I’m the one reprogramming his mind and changing him. I don’t know if this has actually really helped him as much in the real world because I know he’s still very nervous when he meets attractive women, but it is-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Who isn’t? Relatable.

Mistress Fae:

Yeah. One of the things I do with him is as I put this trigger in his mind, a mantra for him to repeat. I try and do this while he’s under this very deep state and that mantra, that trigger for him is something that is designed to give him a sense of peace and control and calmness really. And it’s something that he said to me, he does repeat when he is out on a date with someone and he starts to stutter and feel nervous. It’s something that helps ground him and bring him back. That’s a way that I really love to incorporate kink. Those positive, transformational life shifts, I think, are really valuable.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

It’s so interesting. My background is also in yoga, so I have incorporated a lot of progressive relaxation techniques, mantras, pranayama, different asanas and things that are just very well known to bring a sense of deep relaxation into the body. And that’s always how, even before I did my yoga training, how I would start my scenes would be through maybe 10 or so minutes of getting someone into that headspace until I can energetically feel their shift and the day slipping away from them and they’re fully present with me. Something that is making me think of is this conversation about… I feel like we’re having this round conversation about tech and the body and some of the overlaps and some of the way that fetishes interweave in there. And I’m curious about this idea of hacking. I don’t think I’m a hacker in the traditional sense, but I very much think of myself as a hacker and social engineer in the way that I have infiltrated institutions, the way that I can control people’s mind and get my way and think of hacking in a much broader capacity.

I have this very stupid joke that I apparently can’t stop myself from saying, but I have a tweet that’s the meme of the shaking hands, you know that one of this and this, and they’re shaking hands? It’s ’90s computer hackers and bug chasers and under it just says, give me your best virus. I was thinking of it now because I’m thinking of that virus and that parasitic control and the ways that you are creating the technology that everyone is using in the influence that you have in tech as well as in the body. Hearing you talk about that, I really think people tend to overlook the ways that we can hack our autonomic nervous systems is something that I think a lot about. A lot about neuroplasticity. And what we’re talking about with hypnosis is quite literally bringing your brain into different wave states that allow for more malleability, for more plasticity to quite literally carve new neural pathways.

I once was talking about this on Twitter and someone was like, “You’re not a psychologist.” And I’m like, “First of all, I have a BA in psychology. And second of all, I’ve read fucking books. I’m a researcher.” I’m not telling someone that this is therapy. I’m letting people know what it might do. I feel like yoga teachers are doing it, so many people are doing it. I’m thinking about this submissive I had who was really into Reiki and took my hand and I was like, “Don’t you need my consent before you practice Reiki on me?” And he was like, “No, I’m a Reiki master.” And I was like, “Okay, bro, I probably won’t be seeing you again.” Big Reiki red flag. But there’s so many different ways of playing with people’s psyches that I think are so interesting specifically in the realm of BDSM.

And hearing you talk about transformation as a goal, it’s also something I think a lot about in my practice and I think it’s not something that always happens. I don’t think it’s an outcome that you can promise someone, but I really love the vulnerability that submissives often bring to me with that desire for transformation and that surrender to how we can play with their brains based on my areas of expertise, my interests, as well as what their goals are because I think it’s a really powerful combination.

Mistress Fae:

Yeah. I completely agree with you in the sense of we’re not therapists, we’re not psychologists, obviously. I have a shortlist of therapists that I send to clients that are interested in getting a referral to kink-friendly therapists because I think it’s extremely important to have that as well, but there’s some-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I have a blog post on a webpage of like, here’s a template letter of how to reach out to a kink-friendly provider and here are your resources. That is not me.

Mistress Fae:

Exactly. I think there’s also something to be said for… We’re almost behaving in a surrogate way. For me, the submissive who I was talking about who loves to be under this deeper hypnosis state, it calms him down, that’s something that obviously he’s working through in therapy with his therapist, talking about his nervousness and his anxiety around women. But what we are doing is very different in the sense that I’m putting him into a calm state and then we’re having sex. He’s working on his anxiety, his performance anxiety, his ability to get his body to behave in the ways that he wants, and those are things that obviously you’re not going to do with a therapist. You’re not going to role play out your biggest fear scenarios, especially your sexual biggest fear scenarios with a therapist.

It’s one thing to talk about how nervous you get when a woman touches you, it’s another thing to actually be experiencing that with someone who has created a very safe container for you and who you don’t have to worry about judgment from and who knows your body language and the words that you will say if you need to be pulled out of this. That’s a very different sort of safe container that I like to give people.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I feel like it’s such an important thing too. I actually thought about going back to school to become a therapist. I’m like, “Actually, I like touching people in a way that I think is really, really effective.” I’ve always been a very body-based, in my body person and wanting to bring other peoples into that state with me. I am not interested in the specific… I think therapy can be incredibly helpful. I encourage everyone who sees me more than once to see a kink-friendly therapist because I think it can be such an isolating experience, especially if you don’t have a partner or a community to be talking about. I think having that other person is really, really helpful. But that in conjunction with having the experiences you were talking about or that not in conjunction with having those experiences is limiting, I think.

I think it’s still profoundly helpful but putting something into the body and putting something into the body in this way that you’re talking about, this container that’s set up, but also that relieves some of the pressure. You’re both entering the situation understanding that we have certain goals, we have protocol, we’ve done thorough negotiations to set up, there’s ways to exit this and note, I’m not going to be disappointed, I think is so helpful in translating that outside of that space. There’s just no way to do that with just talking. I’m thinking of hallucinogenics and ketamine therapy, bringing people profoundly past… People describe it, often, as 10 years of psychotherapy because I think talk therapy is incredibly effective, but I think it’s a very slow-moving process that takes long-term dedication. And I think that that’s important in tangent with some of these things that can sock it to ya and shake things up a little bit.

Mistress Fae:

And there’s some things that… I don’t know. I love it when I get to play with a submissive who’s in therapy and we’ll talk about it, especially if I’m doing heavier psychological play because part of doing risk-aware, consensual kink is making sure that you have created this safe container because you will run into landmines, you will run into unexpected things that trigger people. And it’s important for me that if you experience something like that, you’re able to do it in a way where you know that it’s not going to damage our relationship. You can pull out, and I’m not going to be mad at you. You can do something and we can table it for later. And I can say, hell yeah, bring that up with your therapist. Talk to them about why that particularly was scary for you. A good example that I’m sure you’ve experienced is someone newer to kink wants to try bondage and then they have a panic attack and realize that maybe they’re a little claustrophobic.

That’s the perfect canonical example of, awesome, you’re going to go work through that with a professional. And if the professional thinks that this would be a helpful thing to incorporate, let me know what they say, and I am happy to help put you into gradual bondage, try different things, find a workaround. But my job isn’t to get you over your claustrophobia. That’s what a trained mental health professional should be doing. It’s really nice to have that conjunction where… Then there’s less pressure on me to feel like it’s my job to… How to phrase this? If I know that you’re seeing a therapist that can help you work through some of the psychological triggers and the harder things that come up, it’s less pressure on me to make sure that I have to take care of you and support you in a much more careful way.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I think too, the BDSM and all intimacy has risk. And I think if you’re not willing to acknowledge that and you’re putting all of that on the person that you’re playing with rather than a communal effort and having a robust support network, it can be too much, especially in the confines of a structured scene or something like that. There’s only so much that I can do within the time that we’ve negotiated. But it’s funny that you say that because I actually… Like I said before, everyone who plays with me, I really, really encourage to see a mental health professional and to journal or figure out… I don’t think everyone needs to be in therapy. I think a healing relationship with nature, doing somatics, figuring out what works for you and working on that is what’s most important.

But I have done a four-hour mummification scene with someone who was claustrophobic and it was working. It was really intense. I think for them it wasn’t a deeper thing that they wanted to explore bondage. So, it was just really slowly increasing at their… And they would guide me based on what their tolerance level was and seeing how much we could get them into. I don’t know. I just think psychology is so interesting and what people are bringing to the plate is just fascinating to me.

Mistress Fae:

Yeah, it really is helpful when people are seeing a kink-informed psychologist as well because there have been times where people’s therapists have told them to go try something with a provider, go try something… I have a handful of friends who are therapists and social workers in their professional, vanilla life, and it’s really interesting to talk to them because they’re all very kink-informed and kink-friendly. They’ll come to me with questions like, hey, I have someone who is really interested in exploring this, how would I direct them to find a provider that can do that ethically? What should they be looking out for? What considerations should I give them? It’s really cool to see how… Especially this younger generation of therapists, I think, are the ones who tend to be more kink informed. It’s interesting to see how other people are incorporating that and how there’s a two-way relationship there.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah, I think a kink-friendly therapist is just… What’s the purpose of a therapist if you can’t share things about your life? It’s supposed to be a safer space for you to share. I think that’s so true. I used to help organize the AltSex Conference in New York and have done a lot of done work with therapists in New York. My background in sex worker organizing was as a care coordinator and would help people find sex worker affirming therapists, healthcare providers. And I would call doctors and create lists of people before these resources and LISTSERVs existed.

It’s been really, really cool to be able to be involved in that capacity as well as… I once had an interview published on Psychology Today about my kinky yoga practice. I was certain that someone was going to contact me and be like, oh, can I refer a client to you? And I had 10 or 15 therapists in my inbox booking sessions. For a while, half of my clients were therapists. I should have seen that coming, but I got to be honest with you that I did not. I’ll just let you know now, your therapist is a pervert is all I got to say. But I think it’s really cool when therapists know that it needs to be put in the body.

I had one client, and I don’t know if he was just trying to triangulate anything, but he was like, “My analyst that I’ve been working with for 15 years has expressed professional jealousy over what we’ve done together in six months versus what we’ve done together in our work.” And I’m like, “Well, it’s just because you’re doing the thing that you’ve been talking about for 15 years. If that’s what they’re saying, it’s just a matter of you have finally gotten to… She has done all that work for you guys to get to the point where you feel comfortable starting to put those things in your body.”

Mistress Fae:

Yeah, that’s really… Honestly, I am going to be laughing for the next week about the Psychology Today article. I want to read that now. That’s incredible.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I really was not… I don’t know why I wasn’t expecting it but it wasn’t my intention with it.

Mistress Fae:

Do you still do the kinky yoga practice? Is that something you’re still actively doing?

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah, I do. It was really cool because the place that I trained as a yoga teacher, actually… I did a 500-hour yoga teacher training. And my project, we had to do a project, was on some of the similarities between BDSM and yoga and neuroplasticity and BDSM as a tool for accessing different parts of yourself, very similar to yoga. I made a website, Dasya Yoga, a kinky yoga website, as my final project for my yoga teacher training. It was the first time I really thought about branding. They were super sex worker affirming, which was really nice. I know there were other sex workers in the yoga teacher training. I’ve had other doms reach out who have done the training because I’ve shared my thing. But I would use the space and I would do yoga classes in a yoga studio, which was really fun.

It would range from a really perverted yoga teacher doing all the things you feel bad, thinking about your actual yoga teacher doing, using the straps for bondage, a heavy foot fetish or just taking some of the mental components of devotion. I was really interested in the devotional components of a yoga practice. That’s when you’re thinking about not just an asana physical practice and how I was seeing this represented in my practice. It could be done in a dungeon, it could be done just as a perverted role play of a yoga teacher, which is always really fun. But I think it stays in my domination style of just… I feel like knowledge of yoga, working with breath work, working with a body, knowing when I’m putting someone in bondage and I’m doing a chest opener, I know what that’s going to do to their body in a similar way as if I had someone in a restorative yoga pose or something like that. Or where to hit on the body to get a certain response that I want.

Mistress Fae:

You know what the hip openers are going to do to them emotionally.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. Exactly, yeah. Cry for me. Cry bitch. Open those hips. But it’s really, really fun. I think what’s so cool and why I love doing these interviews and talking to so many different people is hearing about their backgrounds they bring into their work. And I love hearing you talk about your background in tech, and you mentioned very briefly a background in performing arts, I think. I think that that’s so cool to be able to bring all these diverse skillsets into a really creative practice. I’m curious how moving out of what sounded like a rather soul-crushing job in tech and moving into this much more embodied practice, what has that been like for you and your life generally to be able to be more in your body?

Mistress Fae:

It’s been very, very freeing in a lot of obvious and also not so obvious ways. One of the ways that it’s really obvious is that I simply have more time to do things. When I was in tech, I would go and do yoga at six or seven in the morning, and then as soon as I was done with work, I would leave and go take a bunch of different fitness classes more in the dance sphere of things. It was like I was so desperate to just not think about work that I was over training all the time and I was doing way too much, and it’s like I was punishing my body, so I was always physically and mentally exhausted. You know how everyone says the way to handle stress is to just work out more?

No, I was training more than enough hours a day. If anything, it was increasing the stress. Now it’s great because for me… I’m not a yoga expert by any means, but I have been practicing for, I don’t know, maybe 15 years now. And just having the time to go pop down to my local studio and take a class and be around other people is so grounding and incredible. I can sit there in shavasana and not have to worry about getting to the office on time or have all these intrusive thoughts about work popping into my head. It’s really helped me actually practice things like non-judgment and get into that much calmer, more secure, more stable mindset. I also think that because the work I do is so physical, it’s become a lot more enjoyable for me, even my worst scene feels a lot more enjoyable than most of my average days when I was in tech, simply because I enjoy the physicality of it so much.

I love human touch. I am addicted to human touch. It feels incredible to give and receive. Yeah, I think that my work just feels a lot more rewarding now because I have all of these aspects of touch and of play and because it’s a little less serious and there are less consequences if something goes badly.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I feel like being able to connect with a person one-on-one too for me, has been so fulfilling. It’s my favorite form of socialization. It’s part of why I love doing these conversations is because I feel like the one-on-one for me feels so important. And I feel like just society pulls us in so many spaces that it’s a harder form of socializing for that quality time. Something else that I was really excited to chat with you about is I feel like both of us can have a very sensual side to our domination. Both of us have submissive boyfriends, submissive girlfriends, I think it’s just a very core part of our sexuality. I there’s the archetype of the dom, I feel the need to say it in this voice, that is cold, always dressed and never ever penetrated because that is a submissive act.

Mistress Fae:

I just remember saying to one of my partners who was newer to the more sensual side of things, he was used to his relationships all being very vanilla. I just remember, honestly, there was this moment where I was on my knees in front of him and he was like, “Doesn’t this feel submissive to you?” And I looked up at him and I was like, “I could literally bite off this part of you right now. Does that feel to you like I’m submissive? Do you know the pain I could give you right now?”

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Have you met teeth?

Mistress Fae:

Yeah. His face turned white and he’s like, “Oh God.” To me, I feel like originally when I was practicing kink, I was very strictly, no sexual contact. I am the dom. I have to be fully clothed at all times. I have to be X, Y, Z. And it felt so restrictive and frustrating to me because I feel I am at my most powerful when I am standing there naked in heels. I feel like I am a God figure when I am able to fully step into my power. And the root of my power for me is my sexuality. I hated having to restrain myself and clamp down on that, and it felt like I was minimizing my myself almost in order-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

And your power.

Mistress Fae:

Yeah. In order to fulfill this role that my partners were projecting onto me or these men were projecting onto me. For me, I think that a good submissive is someone who can please me in any way that I want to be pleased and a lot of the ways that I like to be pleased are sexual in nature. It’s not just service. It’s not just these other things. A lot of it is if I’m horny and I want someone to take care of me, you’re going to take care of me. That’s your job. That’s how you serve me.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I love a human dildo. I totally relate to what you’re saying. I have a clip that I made actually, not for consumers, but for other doms where I’m just totally naked and in boots and it’s just called, Not a Real Dom. And I just talk about power dynamics and dominance, which seems very similar to what you’re talking about. But I also came from this older guard training, lifestyle dominatrix training, and sex was definitely involved and it wasn’t quite the same. So, I feel like I was coming from a slightly different place than people who trained in dungeons and things like that, but it felt less to come over for me. You’re talking about when I have your one hand around your throat, one hand around someone’s cock and will you breathe? Will you cum? That is where I feel most powerful from, and I totally agree with you that the self-censorship just felt completely unnecessary and diminishing of my arsenal of weapons that I can use to get whatever the fuck I want, which just doesn’t feel dominant to me.

I’ve been doing this probably 14 or 15 years now, and as soon as I turned 18, I found language for BDSM and I was like, “Okay, let’s go.” And found this world-renowned BDSM training Chateau, and was like, “Okay, let’s dive in headfirst.” Which has its pros and cons, let’s be honest. I remember when I was making the decision to do… I’d always been doing this with my partners. All of my partners had been submissive to me. I would use them like a human dildo. Deep degradation and humiliation edging to the point of torture, turning premature ejaculators or people who can’t cum into just bumbling buffoon. Oh, I couldn’t get it off with her, but with you, it’s just like I can’t stop myself. That’s where I found power. So, I remember making the decision to make porn with penetration in it. This was probably seven plus years ago when not as many… Of course, I am by no means a first. I don’t believe in the first. It’s a very stupid thing. But I wasn’t seeing a lot of doms doing penetrative stuff.

I was seeing some porn stars taking on a dominant role. And of course, there are a few amazing dom porn stars who dom in their personal life, who I really look up to and really value the content that they make and what they’ve shared with me. But I just wasn’t seeing a lot of doms doing porn, rather than porn stars doming. And I really wanted to make some of that content and I was like, “Oh, I wonder if people are going to give me shit?” Because two years before I was doing that, you would just see people tearing each other apart on Twitter, which is why I preemptively made my community, my PSA.

Mistress Fae:

I was getting aggressively targeted when I first stepped into more of this sexual power role. A lot of the old guard, very traditional doms, they really have that mindset of if you are a real dom, you don’t have sex. And that to me is so… I’m sorry, but I have absolutely no patience for that. I’m like, everyone has a different perspective on D/s or kink or-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

It’s also like, you just posted a video of you fucking this dude in the ass. Your fist is inside of their organs.

Mistress Fae:

That to me is sex.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

That is sex.

Mistress Fae:

Yeah. That’s what sex is. I think I have a much more like amorphous view on D/s. My relationships with different people are very much dependent on them and what our dynamic is together. There’s some people where I’m happy just to be their kinda kinky girlfriend and they’re fun to hang out with and we’re going to movies together and getting dinner and playing, and it’s absolutely wonderful. I love to be the more vanilla-ish girlfriend and just have fun with them. And then there’s some people, I have a college submissive who I really adore and we play in very high protocol. When we’re in public, he recognizes all of these very subtle cues that I give him. We have protocols for how he’s to address me. We have protocols for everything from I order for him to if I scratch my nose, it means that I want to go talk to him in private somewhere.

We have a lot of these things figured out, and whenever we’re in the dungeon, he is wearing a collar. He is lower than me at all times. We have things like that that are much more of a strict, power exchange D/s dynamic, and I think that it is possible to be the type of dom who does those things. It is also very possible to be a whole person who doesn’t have that type of relationship with everyone. I can enjoy that dynamic and I can also enjoy my more vanilla partners. I can enjoy getting dicked down by my very vanilla boyfriend, and that is completely okay. It does not need to be a power thing. It doesn’t even need to be a cucking thing. I’m allowed to enjoy pleasure for the sake of pleasure, and not everything has to be this boxed and strict and specific.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah, I think it’s very elegantly, eloquently put. I think the boxes that people put themselves in, I think honestly, it feels less dominant to me too. Why wouldn’t you take your pleasure? Why wouldn’t you indulge your hedonism? Why wouldn’t you do the things that get you off? Sure, if you don’t want it, no one should have to do anything. No one should be doing the things that they don’t want to. But I think it’s always the shitting on other people and being like, this is domination I am a real dom because of that. Love when the doms who’ve been around for six months, pull that card.

I also love the kinky girlfriend dynamic. That experience, I think, is really fun. And I think for me, it is a different protocol than people who call me mommy or mistress. I like to joke that I switch every two to five years, but I’m a dom and most of my relationships involve a level of power exchange. Even when I am getting dicked down, I have trained that person into a human fucking dildo, and they are fucking me exactly how I trained them to. And they are doing their damn best, fighting for their life to do a good job.

Mistress Fae:

They’re sweating buckets to make sure that they do not cum before you do.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I do not care if you come. I do not care if you are enjoying yourself. You have one purpose, and that is to get me off. I don’t care what it takes.

Mistress Fae:

Yes, that’s exactly it. That is exactly it and it’s-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

But with kinky girlfriend dynamics, there is a subtler protocol to that for me. Even when the waiter comes and drops the bill off and I can gently push it across the table with a knowing look or the heel between their legs while I push the bill across the table knowing what’s going to happen later. I feel like there is so much… You cannot escape power in relationships. In my opinion, it’s whether you talk about it or not. So, I think it’s fun for me to play with it in a diverse range from very strict high protocol D/s training, 24/7 total power exchange D/s relationships to, oh, no one knows that when we go home, I am using you until I cum over and over and over again. And I’m going to send you home with a pair of my panties in your mouth.

Mistress Fae:

Yes, this. It was interesting how once I started openly talking about this, a lot of doms came up to… I’ve taught a few classes on what does it mean to be a kinky girlfriend because all of this training and courses and lectures, anything that’s focused on in femdom particular, it’s all so oriented around this, but you’re not touching anyone’s dick though, but you’re not giving them sexual gratification, all of this stuff. For me, so many of my favorite things, so many of the things that come naturally to me are things that are rooted in playing around with sexual gratification or the lack thereof. I love to do a thing where every ounce of pleasure that you give me, you’re going to take an equal amount of pain for that. That’s how I know how much you-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

That’s math. That’s girl math.

Mistress Fae:

… really want to pleasure me. Girl math right there. And those are things where it’s like, that never occurred to me when I was playing in a stricter, strictly non-sexual capacity. I think that for me, it allows me to unleash, my submissives all call this, they call it Feral Fae. I get this face that comes out. I don’t know. I have no awareness of what I look like when I’m playing.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

It’s such a fun feeling though.

Mistress Fae:

But yeah, it’s just very in the moment, very feral and it’s like, I want to consume you. I want to destroy you. I want to sink my claws into you and just use you. That is my happy place. I am completely present in every single moment when I’m in that mindset, and I don’t get that mindset unless I’m allowed to play in a much more sexually untethered environment.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah, I like the term untethered. I’m restraining you. I don’t need to restrain myself. No, thank you. I feel like we need to co-teach a class on human dildos, pegging classes and how to use a man in 10 days, I think would be a perfect title for our class. So many things we could co-teach-

Mistress Fae:

Oh, my God.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

… together.

Mistress Fae:

Yeah. There’s a lot.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

How to make your boyfriend useful and how to lock down your devices.

Mistress Fae:

It’ll be just all in the same workshop, I feel like that’s my…

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah, like a little bootcamp. The human dildo will be your aftercare.

Mistress Fae:

Oh, my God. I’m planning an operational security workshop for sex workers right now, and it’s such a heavy subject for people. They go into it thinking, oh, I’ll just learn some little hacks to… And then by the end of it, everyone looks crushed and their core sense of safety and security has been shaken. I feel like maybe the way to compensate for that is to just end the class with a little bit of a, here’s how to turn a boy into your human dildo action. Maybe that’ll improve the vibe.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Amazing. That seems like a good place to add with our hopes for the future of co-teaching intensives. Is there anything else you want to add or that we didn’t cover that you want to make sure you do?

Mistress Fae:

No, honestly, I think that’s about it. I-

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