Femdom Dominatrix Mistress Blunt Interviews Mistress Lienne Dagger

Mistress Blunt and Mistress Lienne Dagger talk about gender play in BDSM play and censorship in porn and the production of desire.

Read more: Femdom Dominatrix Mistress Blunt Interviews Mistress Lienne Dagger

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Does it ask you to consent on this thing?

Mistress Lienne Dagger:


Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. Cool. I love that Zoom started asking for consent, like a year into the pandemic. They’re like, “Oh, maybe consent is something important.” But I am so excited to be here with you. I’m here today with Lienne Dagger, who is an incredible domina and content producer, who is always showing up with a beautifully made up face. I’m always so impressed with your makeup, and a unique, and inspiring perspective to femdom. So I’m super excited to be here chatting with you today. My name is Danielle Blunt. I am a prodom based out of New York City and a content producer in the pandemic. And I’d love if you could just start introducing yourself and telling me a little bit about your femdom practice.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Hello, my name is Lienne Dagger. I am a dominatrix based in Columbus, Ohio. I produce fetish content, and also discontent, and just an overall sexual deviant. So I have started producing just fetish content, and joining the sex work industry a little bit before the pandemic, and I was just dipping my toe into it, or I should say just took a huge splash, and then the whole pandemic hit and I was like, “Well, I guess this is what I’m going do doing for a while.” So, so far, it has been a very interesting experience and a few years into this, this journey of producing content. But I really love the idea that I could create a vision into an experience without even having to be in the room with somebody else. It’s very interesting. Because that’s how I think most people got into BDSM in the first place, so.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

There’s something they saw online. It’s definitely like a worm hole.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:


Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I would love to hear you talk a little bit about how you go about creating a virtual fetish or femdom experience for someone. I know that for so many people, especially in the pandemic, it has been such a respite to be able to explore this part of their sexuality. And I know for clients that have been approaching me, I’ve gotten a lot of newbies who kind of have been quarantining alone, or isolated and can like no longer deny that kink and BDSM are part of their sexuality is kind of like crawling out of the woodwork. Like, “Hi, I’ve been following you for nine years.” And now’s the time I have nothing else to distract me.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

All the time.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. So I’d love to hear about how you kind of hold space for kink and BDSM in the virtual realm.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

I had education in psychology and I just find the way that when somebody gets fixated or obsessed. I myself think that I’m quite an obsessive person or I have that kind of tendency. When I create a video, I like to think about how this person get a seed planted in their head in the first place, and then how it manifests into different kind of arousal or different kind of emotion in their body, and in their head. And how they kind of attach it to externally, to a hot girl or to cocks, or like to whatever it is to, to boots, things like that. So I like to think how it develop. How a kink developed and then to kind of talk about that, just kind of explore what really turned them on about a fetish. So yeah.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I love that. And I think it’s so similar to my approach. I also have a background in psychology, not a psychologist, but studied psychology in undergrad, and am so interested in like the thing that makes someone weak. Because everyone has their achilles heel or some way to kind of get control over their mind, and their psyche, and their sexuality. And then from there to begin to play with it or to like plant seeds of your own so that you get to like-

Mistress Lienne Dagger:


The mind is very malleable. It’s very like plasticy, and moldable, and everybody even dominant or submissive, it’s just whether you know about it or not-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:


Mistress Lienne Dagger:

… and take it to an extreme.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Okay. So my follow up question to that is I feel like so much is talked about like submissives and submissive’s desires and what you just said was really interesting to me. And I’m curious, have you ever had a submissive’s fetish get into your head into that obsessive thought pattern? I know that for myself, I feel very skilled at installing fetishes in other people, but I have had a few submissives whose fetishes were so robustly explored, and their interest in it was so hot that it became something that I became very into outside of our sessions.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Oh, interesting. I do. Yeah, I do really. I like intensity. So I like it in both like dominant and submissive forms. So I do think that I haven’t encountered a lot of submissives who are like that intense anymore, but I definitely… So my partner, who’s also my personal submissive who really into like chasity and it’s something I just grown to really love. Because just to see the way that they react and all the things that comes with it. And I do think that kink is just so expansive, so there’s always more to explore.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. And so much of it is like that teasing of-

Mistress Lienne Dagger:


Mistress Danielle Blunt:

…That teasing of desire and like elongating a sexual interaction to like be as big as it can be. And like going to the edge and kind of just pushing what is allowed and what is desired is so hot. And that’s so fun that you can … Yeah, go ahead.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Yeah. I think, I think that’s what people miss and that’s what people kind of just geared toward, especially during the pandemic, because you just kind of realize how boring and like monotonous your daily routine kind of is. Just go to work, blah, blah, blah, do this, do that. And yeah, I think once the pandemic hit, everybody was in lockdown they really just looking toward the extreme, they kind of looked toward the intensity, and just a little bit of escapism, during a trying time.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. I’m so curious. Something I spend a lot of time thinking about is how will people fetishize the trauma of the pandemic? And I feel like we’re going to see it more mask fetishes.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

More masks. Yeah.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I’m curious if you’ve noticed any changes or in both what your interests are in kink or what kind of requests people are getting. I feel like I’m so interested in playing with distance, and fluids has become definitely more appealing the more taboo that it’s become.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Yeah. It’s really interesting because you mentioned that. I definitely for me personally, I definitely have a more fixation toward gloves these days. Like I’m used to, I mean it just kind of just the aesthetics, but now I’m just kind of zoning in on it. And I just kind of feel it developing in my head. Request wise, I’m not sure if I see any difference, but I do think that I do get a lot of clients who are exploring their gender fluidity more. Because that’s something that I’m personally kind of geared toward, as well. That’s some something that I expressed in myself and I think that attract a lot of people who are going through the same kind of journey. Do you see those patterns during these pandemic too, of people like just exploring more the “gay side”?

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. I think the gender exploration sessions are something I’ve always enjoyed, and specialized in, and tried to manifest more of those type of sessions.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:


Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I think it’s such a fertile space to play with, but I really do think that like the isolation so many people are experiencing in the pandemic really gives a lot of space, both to think about your sexuality and your gender. Especially if you are now working remotely in a space where you don’t really have to perform your gender or perform like the gender that you had been performing before the pandemic every day. And sort of taking some time outside of that performance of gender, I think can really open up a lot of space for people to explore their gender more and have more expansive manifestations of their gender.

So I’ve definitely been seeing a lot of people who are interested in exploring gender through like the lens of a kink dynamic. Who are exploring their gender in many different ways. So I’m definitely seeing some of that, which is it’s so fun. And I think it’s something that both of us have produced content on and are very interested in. And I would love to hear a little bit about like how you approach gender in your sessions, how you play with gender, how you play with cross dressing, and sissies, and just kind of what your perspective is in that, that you say that you enjoy.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

See, I used to read a lot of like just feminists and like gender critical theories text. And gender in and of itself to me is already such a mind fuck. Because you kind of just have a very, especially in Western society, you have very rigid roles of what each gender should be like. These days become much more relaxed than it used to be, but still it’s just kind of ingrained very deeply in us. Where was I going with that?

Okay. So I think the way that I like to play with gender within a kink context is like most of the time, the people who look forward to like my forced bi content, or like my sissy content, are usually have an inkling in themself. But I think it’s not that I’m making them bi because they already have that that feelings prior to knowing about me.

So it is very interesting, which also ties to like the censorship around that kind of category of gender mind fuck. And like being forced, the keyword forced bi being like modified into multiple versions of it. So …

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Just for anyone listening, the “forced” category on a lot of clip sites aren’t allowed by payment processors. So they changed it into so many… I can’t even think of any of them.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Yeah. It’s like forced bi, coerced bi, and now it’s become encouraged bi.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. And positive dominatrix.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Yeah. Positive femdom.

It’s very interesting, which is something that as a new content producers is kind of a headache to deal with. But going back to the gender mind fuck thing. It’s like I already someone who’s very critical of my own gender performance, because it’s all performance, it’s all something that you do, like what you think of being feminine, dressing a certain way is something that you just kind of do. And, and if you want to be a different gender, you just kind of do it. And I just feel like being able, but is so easy for me to get to that head space. But it is not as easy for somebody else who has been heavily conditioned by what society says about gender roles. So for me to be able to craft a certain narrative, to just kind of peel that conditioning, and then install my own kind of ideology into them, or like install my own kind of just little seed of this is what you always have been is very satisfying for me. And for the people also like consume those kinds of content.

And I think they kind of like the idea that a hot woman is making me suck cocks and things like that, but I’m not making you do anything, you already want to do it. It’s very interesting how people interpret this kind of situation. Whereas, different perspective can varies in very many different realities.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. I kind of laugh at the forced, because what you’re saying is so true. If someone is approaching you for a forced bi session, they already want to suck a dick. It’s very clear that they have that desire. And then it is through the construct of being forced to do it by a hot woman is what gives them permission to do it, and what like allows them to be present, and pursue that sexual experience. And maybe this is me only doing what I like to do or being a bad dom or being really sadistic. But actually, I’m like “I’m not going to let you suck a dick until you admit that you want that cock down your fucking throat. You’re going to have to beg for that cock that you want me to force you to suck.”

And it’s just so much more fun for me because it is that… Force in BDSM scenes and like CNC scenes, like consensual non-consent scenes, or instances like forced bi scenes, or forced cross dressing scenes, I’ve always kind of shied away from. Because I think for me personally what is so much more interesting is when people are really confronting that desire that makes it want to be forced. And it sounds like that’s a little bit about what you’re doing in your clips as well. And I saw one of your tweets recently, which just said a reminder, if you’re questioning your heterosexuality, then you’re probably not straight. And I think it’s A. so true, a great tweet and, also so much of what is at the crux of the kind of content that we’re talking about that forced bi and cross-dressing content. So I would love if you could talk a little bit about that and how you approach that in the content that you make.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

I usually like those kind of clips. I just kind of just mostly just speak my mind. I really do think that guys are really… They like being forced because I think they just want to have an explicit permission from like a very attractive authority. But I think I’m a positive femdom in the way that I like to use my power to just make them realize that this has always kind of been the case for you. Which is very interesting when they kind of just realize like, “Oh yeah. So this is what it is.”

But I think that is the way that we kind of explore these kind of different part of ourselves is what the whole part of the human experience, more fulfilling because I feel if you already know everything about yourself, it wouldn’t be that fun. But I do like being the conduit of just helping them just accept themselves in general, and just having fun, just having pleasure. I think that’s the fun of being a sex worker. It’s just like embracing in the pleasurable aspect of the human experience.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. And I feel like pleasure and joy are something that is just not priority prioritized in so many people’s…

Mistress Lienne Dagger:


Mistress Danielle Blunt:

…lives. And I often like joke about what’s so healing or cathartic about a session with a dom is that your phone’s not fucking on for two hours.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:


Mistress Danielle Blunt:

You leave your phone away. You leave kind of some of the confines of the structure of your everyday life. And you are mono-tasking on pleasure and articulating your desires in a way that there just isn’t a whole lot of space to do in everyday life. People don’t create that kind of space.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Mm-hmm (affirmative) mm-hmm (affirmative) Yeah.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. And like it’s so necessary. And so I think like what you’re talking about, so much of what we do is help facilitate that space.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Yes, yes, yes. And just right now, I mostly just function online. So it really blurs, for me and for my clients, it’s kind of blurs the line of like what’s reality, what’s fantasy, and like augmented reality. And how much of our online, onscreen world is now a part of our world. It’s not as separate as it used to be anymore, but then like some boundaries it’s still healthy.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Boundaries are good. Okay. So I would,

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Boundaries are good.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

…talk about this. And it kind of goes back to how we started the conversation, which I was thinking of editing out, but maybe I won’t. When Zoom gives you the consent button, I think it’s so interesting because I’d been using Zoom for like a year, and I remember being this call where I was on camera, and they started recording and I was like, “You don’t have my fucking permission to record me. What the fuck are you doing?” And Zoom didn’t have that integration to like give you the opportunity to consent into being recorded, or an opportunity to turn off your camera.

And so I think it’s interesting kind of watching tech evolve to be in new spaces where we are interacting with them in more intimate ways, and where we are interacting with them for a significant portion of our lives right now in the pandemic.

I personally, definitely didn’t start sex work to be online all day. So making my boundaries a little bit more concrete have definitely helped me avoid burnout, but I would love to hear you talk a little bit about this augmented reality. Recently I’ve been having fantasies about my new startup which is Big Mother Surveillance Technologies where I…

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Baby cameras?

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yes! Little nanny cams everywhere with electro shock integration where someone will be shocked if they don’t say they’re mantra on time. Or if they’re not kneeling at a certain time. And I definitely have been having a lot of fun with that fantasy, and have played around with that a little bit. But I would love to hear a little bit about how you play with augmented reality with your submissives.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Yeah. I think augmented reality, it’s the way that it is right now because we just can’t stop the development and integration of technology into our lives. And the connection that we solely made online still feels very real. Like when they talk to me just mostly on the phone or through text messages, that’s still a relationship to us. Or when I talk to my mutual on Twitter, et cetera, even though we haven’t met in person I still feels like a certain type of connection with them.

But then it’s kind of straddled this line of your parasocial relationship, and what’s healthy, and what’s not, and what’s personal, and what’s professional. So it’s kind of like when I talk to my clients, I will usually set a time in a time of day of like, just my life and have them do the same and things like that. Or if I don’t want to like spend all my time just talking to them, that’s when clips comes in, and just the idea of they can hear my voice and feel my presence, and without me being in the room. And especially with technology like VR and things like that developing it’s very exciting to be in this kind of like porn producing content. Which also what I’ve been kind of learning, being on platform, is that the kind of content that’s gaining a lot of popularity is mesmerized kind of mind fuck with a lot of special effects and things like that, which makes me think of how people just really likes a certain kind of stimulation and futuristic feels of very being immersed in the kind of virtual reality.

So, yeah. And even the reality that we live day to day, multiple people argue that, “Oh, it’s just like a simulation”. We do only take in reality with five senses. So when you watched my clips and already your eyes, and your auditory senses, two out of three, it was like, “What’s next?” It’s very interesting how-

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Those clips that you mentioned, like the mesmerized or hypnosis, which we’re not allowed to say is another banned word on clip sites. It’s something I think about and talk about a lot is how the censorship on clip sites actually informs the production of fetishes. Are people who are just going on to clip sites now and only seeing mesmerized, how are they going to find hypnosis clips if you can’t search it? And B will they even be able to play? I don’t know, it changes some of what is shared when you would change the language around it. But I think, what I love so much about hypnosis clips, and I’ll let you say hypnosis on this if you want, and mesmerize clips is that, I think it’s a really amazing way to bring someone into this altered state of consciousness.

And when you’re talking about the five senses, I think kind of when they all come together in elements of like physical arousal, and like imagining what it’s like to be kneeling before you, and just kind of melting into themselves as they listen to the sound of your voice, and watch repetitive motion and movement, and like all of these amazing altered reality edits to these clips. Is so sexy and such a fun way to get someone’s brain into that malleable state. And also-

Mistress Lienne Dagger:


Mistress Danielle Blunt:

…It’s so meditative to it, like really it’s playing with someone’s autonomic nervous system for like the manipulation of serving your dom, which I think is just so hot in and of itself.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

It is. It is very. Yeah. I think the trend is just going to keep being like this for a while, especially with everything being so integrated online and the pandemic, the plague is still happening with no end insight. But I’m very interested to see how these kind of things develop, especially with all the censorship that is going on. It is very interesting because you mentioned you can’t even hypnosis if you have that fetish on most majority of the clip sites anymore.

So because of that people would… When something like that is kind of criminalized, people would go into the black market, which is now pirated content on tube sites and things like that. So like these censorship issues really don’t solve anything. So is one of the things that I have come into just hard, rude realization from this job. I heard it weren’t used to be this way, but I guess it is what it is, but it’s very interesting how to see maybe it get repeal, how it develop, and how the technology will build itself around that.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

And I think one of the things that we both also have in common is that our names have both been banned to some extent on clip sites. I know that Mistress Blunt on the website iwantclips was changed to Mistress Smoke? Which also made me very difficult to search. Doesn’t convey the fact that blunt has multiple meanings.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:


Mistress Danielle Blunt:

And many spaces. The meaning that they’re thinking of is not criminalized. And I know with Lienne Dagger, you’ve mentioned some, difficulty showing daggers, I’d love to hear a little bit about how you navigate that.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

So yeah, it is. I like the name dagger. I chose the name dagger because I like sharp things. I like knives, and I have a dagger collection, and I had a clip, which featuring me since being sexy with my dagger, threatening him, like “I would cut his balls off.” And it I can’t post it anywhere on any of the clip sites. It was either still in review purgatory after MasterCard changes their content review policy or whatever. And then for other they just straight up deleted it. So and the thing is the dagger is actually not sharp. It’s not used to cut things. So it’s just very interesting what they choose to… What they consider violence. What these kind of banking institutions consider violence and how it kind of affects just very random, irrational, irrelevant things in just content production.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

And, and being like a newer content producer. I’m curious what it’s been like entering the industry with already some of these rules and protocols in place and kind of figuring that out on the fly, how you’ve been able to figure that out. And what it’s been like to then have all of your clips go under review and things like that. How has that kind of impacted how you work and how you feel about the work that you do?

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

It’s definitely made me prioritize certain things over others. I think, first of all, staying consistent, during a pandemic is already hard, producing, doing multiple jobs. Why you got to plan, you got to do your makeup, lighting, editing, uploading, and all the censorship of things is only a part of the uploading post-production part. And you have to do all the part leading up to that I need to learn. So it’s all been a very steep learning curve and learning process. But I believe in my methods and I believe in my inevitable success. So it’s like I’m trying to prioritize interaction with certain clients over just heads. Just wasting my time, just mourning these kind of clip site on things that I can’t control. And they barely can control, because I already know that corporations are really not your friend.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:


Mistress Lienne Dagger:

So, but yeah, just really trying to figure out what do I need to do to make this job more sustainable, and more pleasurable to me? Because that’s why I wanted to do it in the beginning. So yeah.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Have you figured it out? Asking for a friend?

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

It ebbs and flow, sometime I feel like I got it and then the next day it was like, “Hmm, maybe I don’t.” And then you change every day, and you learn something new every day, and you write into new problems every day. So I think right now I kind of have got into a groove of what I’m doing soon by kind of stepping to year two, three-ish. And it is been really interesting, just how the direction of my content changed, and just see myself improving is also really rewarding.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

How would you say that Mistress Lienne Dagger has kind of evolved in their style of domination, and what you are interested in, and the type of content that you’re producing from when you started a few years ago to kind of where you see yourself going in the future, and what you kind of want to call in so from favorite fetishes, to the type of things that you want to make, or skills that you want to learn?

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

I love these questions. You ask such good questions. So I started out as just a model, so I started now just do nude modeling and things like that. And I had this the story of how I started thinking about producing my own fetish content is that I was I did a paid foot fetish shoot. The videographer was just kind of weird, and asking invasive questions, and his set was just kind of ugly. So I was like, “I can do better than this. I can do this myself.” So that’s when I started it just kind of dive into producing my own content. So in the beginning I kind I have one video where I just like masturbated in front of the mirror, filmed with my phone and it looks so shitty, but it’s still one of my best seller on the clip store.

It’s like two minutes for over 10 bucks, and people still buy it. That’s how horny dudes are. And then after that I kind of produce contents I thought would sell. But then, in the beginning, it never sell as well as you would hope it would be. And so now I kind of ebb into what’s the feeling, or just the making the kind of content that I feel good when I look at it. It kind of turned me on when I edit it, and not just kind of based much on what the expectation of what I wanted to be or how it to perform. And I find that has been much more rewarding and also better for my mental health overall.

For the future, I definitely want to gear more toward intricate storytelling. I think right now I talking about just fantasies and role play. And once I kind of have just kind of the expertise, know more people in the field, more budget, more fundings from patrons, I would definitely want to do just more intricate fantasy with characters, multiple characters, and more cinematic feel to it.

I also just kind of wanted to interact also with the audience more. Because like the femdom POV kind of… Yeah. The femdom POV category is very popular. It’s always sells on the sites like clipsforsale or iwantclips mostly because I think, or in my opinion, because it interacts, it makes the audience feel included. So I definitely feel in the future, I want to do something, especially with VR and augmented reality, something that makes the audience feel more immersed, and inclusive, more interactive with the media. And I overall just think that’s how media is going, in general , as an industry and not just porn is going to progress into as well. So yeah. Yeah. It’s all very exciting.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I shot a VR porn scene during the pandemic and with for kink VR. And it was so interesting because the person who’s cock we were using was literally, it was just a stunt cock and like the whole camera rig was over them. And just looking down at their cock while I was telling my submissive, how to bring pleasure to my friend. And the whole time I was super turned on, mostly because of how objectifying it was of the person in the stunt cock which was like, not at all what the vibe of the video was, but I couldn’t see their head. It was behind four cameras and they were just a cock. And I was like, “This is super hot.” And this is not at all what the POV-

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

It’s like a cyborg.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. But it’s not what the clip will look like. The clip will just look POV fucking someone. But for me I was really into this. I’m like, “Yeah, that’s right. You are just a cock. You are just there to make this.” That was what I was really enjoying about. That was the brutal objectification in the creation of this VR clip. But I like that. I love that. And I love looking… I hate looking at old clips, first of all, but it’s so interesting. I was just going through a bunch of my old clips looking, I was editing a trailer for something of my OnlyFans and was looking at old clips and I’m like, “Oh, that’s hot.” And I was getting flustered and turned on. And I’m like, “Okay. As long as I’m making content that turns me on.”-

Mistress Lienne Dagger:


Mistress Danielle Blunt:

…Is wonderful. And my best selling clips are all filmed by my ex-boyfriend where I was just speaking-

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Ah, interesting.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:


Mistress Lienne Dagger:


Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. It was, because he was my submissive and I would just be talking to him. It was for our sex life. And so there was this preestablished dynamic that was there a little bit more movement of the camera. And I think more fun for me to shoot, being able to see someone responding to my content was really fun for me. And I also have an audio clip of me humiliating a girlfriend, and it’s one of my best sellers. And I think there’s something that’s so fun about being able to share some of those dynamics for me in my content that I have had a really fun time with for sure.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Yes. Yes.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

But yeah, I love thinking about like, what does the future look like for Lienne Dagger? And I’m curious if you have any other questions or anything you want to share about the work that you do or anything else you want to make sure we include in the conversation?

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Yeah. I think I pretty much talk all about what I wanted to bring up today. I really interested in just facilitating the way how you, how everybody can explore pleasure, and explore their own sexuality, in a very intense, and also intimate way.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

I love that. I love that. And for folks who are listening or watching, where can people find you if they want to find more of your content or interact with you?

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

So my only social media is on Twitter @mistressLienne. I don’t have an Instagram anymore. If you find any Mistress Lienne on Instagram, that’s an imposter. You can also find my content on leagueoflienne.com or, bingeonlienne.com.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Amazing. And if you’re interested in finding my content, I am @mistressblunt on Twitter and @MissBlunt.NYC Instagram, on OnlyFans /mistressblunt. And youcanclickheretoruinyourlife.com is my favorite URL that I own. I love all the vanity.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

I love that one.

Mistress Danielle Blunt:

Yeah. I love the vanity that sex workers have. There are some really creative ones. I also own the domain husbandtrainer.com, but I haven’t made that website yet. It’s on my to do list for sure. Well, Lienne, thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me. It was such a pleasure chatting with you and I’m very excited to continue our online Twitter crush/parasocial relationship that we have.

Mistress Lienne Dagger:

Yes. Pleasure all mine.

Want a more intimate look into my personal relationships? Follow me on my OnlyFans.

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