Femdom Dominatrix Mistress Blunt Interviews Mistress Lienne Dagger

Mistress Blunt and Mistress Lienne Dagger talk about gender play in BDSM play and censorship in porn and the production of desire. Mistress Danielle Blunt: Does it ask you to consent on this thing? Mistress Lienne Dagger: Yeah. Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yeah. Cool. I love that Zoom started asking for consent, like a year into …

BDSM Stories: Mommy’s Domesticated Little Slut

With the blindfold buckled into place, Mommy has denied me the privilege of seeing her luxuriate just a few dozen feet away, past the ornate metal grill separating the bathroom from the rest of the sumptuous hotel room. I imagine the little waves lapping at her perfect body, nipples floating just above the surface. Mommy’s …