Mommy Domme Mistress Blunt dangles high heel

BDSM Stories: The Submissive Scorecard

I arrive promptly at 6:30 p.m. My last few thoughts of my work day dance in my head as she opens the door. Immediately, they melt away and I move to my knees. “What do you have for me?” she inquires, sitting with her legs crossed in front of me, heel dangling from her toes.

BDSM Stories: Mommy’s Domesticated Little Slut

With the blindfold buckled into place, Mommy has denied me the privilege of seeing her luxuriate just a few dozen feet away, past the ornate metal grill separating the bathroom from the rest of the sumptuous hotel room. I imagine the little waves lapping at her perfect body, nipples floating just above the surface. Mommy’s …

Mistress Blunt New York City BDSM

BDSM Stories: D/s Relationship Indoctrination Protocol

This is the story of my submission to Mistress Blunt, as experienced through her clips. I am grateful that Mommy has shared so much of herself through her content, granting me a world of desire and pleasure to explore, at her leisure. This is the path that I followed, and like all good journeys, it …

Mistress Blunt and her submissive D/s

BDSM Stories: Bondage and Orgasm Denial in Mommy’s Basement

I heard the basement door open, and I dropped to my knees. Automatically, my hands found their positions on my lap, and my gaze came to rest on the floor in front of me. Mommy was descending the stairs, and I felt each footstep as it rang out from her boots, reverberated through me, and …