Goddess Alexandra Snow and I got together and talked about the complexities of dominance and submission, some of our kink origin stories, and—importantly—femdoms getting naked.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Hello, my name is Mistress Danielle Blunt. I am a pro-domme based largely out of New York City, though I’m sort of hiding in the woods at an undisclosed location currently and peeking back into New York and other cities when I have the time or desire. And I am here today with Goddess Alexandra Snow. Hello.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Hello. Hi.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I would love if you could introduce yourself really briefly.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Sure. I am also a pro-domme and a fetish producer. I am largely based in Columbus, Ohio but I do travel a lot. I am not in an undisclosed location, I am currently in Columbus, Ohio. But I travel pretty voraciously, or at least I did pre-pandemic, and New York is one of my favorite places. I am the headmistress and founder of the Wicked Collective, it’s a Midwest only independent sex worker collective. And that’s pretty much most of the things that I do from day-to-day other than making smut and teaching sluts.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I love that. Is that what your business card says?
Goddess Alexandra Snow: No, but it should. I should really write that down, right?
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Making smut and teaching sluts. Well, we got it on the recording. Amazing, I love that. Yeah, and you make a lot of really beautiful content and it’s something that you’ve been doing before the pandemic as well. I feel like I’ve spoken a lot in this interview series that I’ve been doing with people who started transitioning to more online work, but I’d love for you to talk a little bit about when you started making clips and when you really started putting energy behind that.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I am going on my 15th or 16th year as a pro-dom. This is all Botox, just so you know. And I have been making videos pretty much the majority of my career, I would say, but I guess we’re looking at going on 10-ish years. I’d have to go back and check. I feel like the pandemic year has screwed up all of my math. I started out as an in-person pro-dom and I remain, that’s where my skillset is and really where my heart lies, but I had first started filming for sites like ClubDom and for like Irene Boss who both at the time were people who would film with actual doms not just models who would take on a dominant role.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I had my own website for a little while. And then I started dabbling in this idea of maybe I didn’t have people to film with of talking to the camera instead of talking to, when you’re talking to an actual person. And it was honestly a little bit of an experiment. This was, again, going on 10 years ago when femdom POV didn’t exist.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: In fact, it might have existed, but it wasn’t even a genre that was around. And I, again, I had this dungeon, Wicked Eden. I had girls that were working for me, and they weren’t making the kind of money consistently with sessions and I thought, “We need to figure out how to get you guys so that you’re making kind of a similar amount from week to week. Let me just try to say clips for sale. I’m just going to give it a shot.”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: So I did. I made like a month’s worth of content. I shot some shitty videos with my webcam, and I shot up in the top 50. And let me explain to you, I might have thought I was somebody at the time in the way that all femdoms all think they were somebody, but to the internet, I was definitely nobody.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I thought when I came into the top 50, I wasn’t getting naked, I wasn’t having sex with anybody, I wasn’t beating anybody, I wasn’t fucking anybody with a strap-on. There was nothing to me that felt really interesting, I thought, “Surely they’re going to figure out that I’m not doing real porn, right? This is not a real thing.”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: They’re going to be like, “Okay, so where’s the beef kind of thing.” And it never did almost exclusively for the last, whatever, the nine going on 10 years. I have been in the top of most of these sites mostly because I just got really lucky and doing femdom POV.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I went from taking, making shitty videos with my webcam to being very dedicated to making beautiful work. I can’t say that I have really peaked yet in that mostly because I really didn’t know what I was doing for a long time. And I surrounded myself with people recently, the last couple of years who did know what they were doing, which is why my content went from looking pretty darn good to looking amazing.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: It was not as much my brain child as it was I started building a really cool team. And during the pandemic when, of course, like you, I couldn’t make content with anyone except for other ladies in the collective, I just focused on making whatever weird stuff I could come up with.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I love that. It’s so interesting. I feel like one thing that we wanted to talk about was nudity in femdom porn. And I feel like we’re kind of moving out of an era where you’re paying a premium for someone who never got nude. I feel like it was like a high marketing point. You would pay more because they were never nude, which is somehow conflated with submission in many aspects, which I think is somewhat part of it.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: But yeah, my background in clips is I sort of dabbled. My background is actually in videography and photography. I was actually the videographer for a porn website for around five or six years, which was really interesting.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: You can tell.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Well, it’s funny because I have really nice cameras and gear and stuff like that, and I’ve just been shooting everything on my iPhone. I’m like very lazy and they shoot 4K.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Depending on where you’re propagating that content to, sometimes that’s all you need. Again, it really depends what you’re doing. I get yelled at whenever I shoot any content on a mobile device because both of the ladies who are my production team are kind of like, “Listen, it’s not to the standard that we’re used to, so don’t make my life any harder when I’m trying to edit this stuff,” and I’m like, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I love that. You got to have them there. But yeah, so it’s been interesting trying to combine my skillset of being behind a camera and to be in front of it. And it definitely, like the femdom POV is definitely an interesting niche. My ex-boyfriend actually filmed all of my earliest clips, which were only probably when I started making clips more seriously around five years ago. But I definitely still channel him when I’m humiliating the camera, but I need to conjure up someone. It was pretty good.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Oh, that’s really good.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yeah. One of my best-selling clips series was an ex-boyfriend humiliation clip-
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And you’re like, “I got this.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: And I was like, “That was real. If that one did well because I was drawing on a deep well of emotion.”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I bet you were, you were like, “Wait, how long did this video go on? Oh, it’s fine, I got a few more minutes. Let me just work this out.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: It was so interesting to me that other people resonated. I guess it’s like often true: If you’re really into something, someone else is into something too.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Of course, yeah. There’s always a kink for everything. And the longer that you’re into this the more you’re exposed to a new one, you’re like, “Hmm, okay.” And someone will make a kink off of almost every even nuanced life experience. I’m sure someone really, really resonates with it.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yeah. I was just like, “Oh, other people are getting off with breaking up, on their breakups.”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yeah. That’s a really good idea actually. I’ve been in that place where I was like rage masturbating. You’re just so angry that you need to.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Is there any other way?
Goddess Alexandra Snow: We’re calling it majurbate instead of masturbate, like, “I’m just so mad, I just need to go majurbate.” And I remember during parts of my breakup, which actually I will tell you relates to my story into nudity and femdom. And I have realized that, that should have been a video. Fuck, why didn’t I make a video about that?
Mistress Danielle Blunt: It’s not too late.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: You’re right.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: There’s always time to eroticize your breakup.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: You’re talking like the president, right?
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yeah, I’d love to hear a little bit about how that inspired some move, or maybe we can talk a little bit about how for a long time on the internet, doms, or in sessions, doms wouldn’t get nude or there would be an upcharge for nudity.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Or sometimes it was so gauche that no one who was a real dom would ever get naked because *Insert a completely contrived answer here, right?* And the more that I’ve examined this as a, from at least from a social experiment standpoint, the more that it’s very much related to male fantasy, right?
Goddess Alexandra Snow: It was almost because men had hyper-sexualized women, especially in porn, the backlash of that was hyper-sexualizing women who did not get naked, and for whom were unobtainable and would not give you any kind of sexual gratification. And that became, it was almost this like the Madonna archetype of femdom. You know what I mean?
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I mean, I don’t know. When I started as a pro-dom, maybe it’s a little different in New York City, but especially here when I would travel, it was real doms looked down on any dom who got naked under any circumstances, absolutely.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I felt that definitely right when I started. And I come from an old guard leather upbringing where I trained as a submissive, earned my leathers and then you wouldn’t take them off. You wouldn’t take them off. And I have my mixed feelings about old guard type ways and old guard D/s traditions, and I’ll take whatever I want and just leave some of the rest where it belongs.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Good job. I’m proud of you.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Thank you. But it was very much … I feel like it was a little bit less from that and more so from my experience. I never worked in a house dungeon, but I would rent in some house dungeons and the dommes just wouldn’t get naked. And also I feel like it was something that was asked less of, because I think people were seeing less of it.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: There was the expectation that if you were a dom, you weren’t getting naked. I actually have a clip of me in full nude, just in boots, that’s like, “Do you still find me dominant? Do you have the impression about who’s in-charge?” which is where it started for me.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I bet it was.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: And when I shot my first porn scenes where there was like actual penetration, like full nude me being penetrated, it was something that I thought a lot about, it was like, “What is the response of the dom community going to be?” Because I didn’t come out of a femdom porn space or a space where I saw other people, my colleagues doing that type of content. There was no response, it was all in my head, the ego. It was all in my head.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Sure. Well, but we’ve been so radically conditioned to be worried about that, right? And I experienced very much the same thing, it was like, “What are my peers going to say? What is this going to say? What’s going to happen?” And really at the end of the day it boiled down to, A, who fucking cares? B, do I feel good about this empowered by it? C, who fucking cares? Right?
Goddess Alexandra Snow: We were so caught up in this idea because the whorearchy started onus early. You know what I mean? I a little bit envy some of the people who’ve just come into sex work in the last year because I don’t think they got the same level of brainwashing that we did of being like, “Doms do this. Subs do this. Switches do this.”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And these things are very uneven and, hey, and you had to have this amount of experience in this, and you had to be proficient in that thing and whatever. And really there was a lot less differentiation between any of these levels of the whorearchy than anyone really wanted to admit, I think.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: True. I think it’s interesting you talking about the erotization of the opposite of where mainstream porn brought us, so for like the closed female, the Madonna type archetype. And I also think that it is like that whorearchy is also kept alive by other sex workers perpetuating it or thinking like, “Well, I’m not a sex worker because I’m not being penetrated while a fist is inside someone’s ass,”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I’m not being penetrated, I’m only penetrating someone else. It’s better, right?
Mistress Danielle Blunt: … Right.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: It’s not nice.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: And then I think that, that also keeps up this notion that penetration is something that’s inherently submissive, which is something that I definitely don’t feel in my personal, in my sex life. And so that was sort of why I was interested in making porn like that, because I grew up watching like kink.com porn and watching Madeline Marlowe and Princess Donna, and I was like, “Oh, yeah, I don’t see anything particularly submissive about the way that they’re having sex.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: And I wasn’t seeing a lot of pro-doms who make content also doing that, and so I was like, “Well, I actually have sex like this in my real life with my submissives and my personal submissives, and why don’t I just film that?” And it was really fun for me to be able to share that.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I loved it. Some of your content was some of the earlier things that inspired me. And a lot of it felt very raw and authentic, which to me is my primary kink. If I’m going to watch porn if it looks like the people involved in it are really involved in it and they really like what they’re doing, I kind of don’t care exactly what they’re doing, but I’m into that.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yeah, I’m the same way. I’m like, “Is there a power dynamic? And can I feel it? And are you into it?”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yeah. People are like, “What are you really into?” and I’m like, “I got a control fetish, so wherever we have to like, however we’re going to slice that one, that’s all I really need.” Yeah, so I agree with you. I think there are a lot of really complex, a lot of complexities to what’s happened inside like what we’re calling a fourth wave femdom.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I think a big part of that you hit on, it was other sex workers who kept entrenching the whorearchy. This is the thing I’ve noticed over the last year, and it was especially been common in that, is that women have been taught to be competitive as a part of like our rise to equality sort of thing. By nature, we’re taught that our inherent value is our appearance. Our inherent value is our sexual availability or our sexual prowess, how we can make one partner feel good.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I think that has a bit translated in as from a work standpoint too is that we were taught to be competitive with each other. So any way that we could kind of break down or be catty or attack someone else who was doing things that we felt made us superior, it was I think an easy leap for some of these girls.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I don’t know about you, but it really hurt my heart because it was almost like they didn’t see how much better it was on the other side of going, “You know what’s really, really, really impressive as a femdom, if you want to call yourself a femdom, you’re going to call yourself anything else, is doing what feels good to you and having things be pleasure-centric for you, personal autonomy centric for you.” It felt so much better than letting some guy on the internet dictate my sexuality and what I was supposed to feel pleasure from.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yes, 100%. And I feel like that was a lot of what was behind me beginning to explore femdom porn in that capacity, it was just like, “This isn’t how I actually feel. I enjoy being naked. I enjoy using someone like a human dildo, I’m just going to shoot the kind of sex that I like and assume that it plants whatever seeds in whoever’s head is watching it that they understand that those are things that I enjoy.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: And I think that there’s also like some of it is about like, for people who do both online and in person, it’s like trying to create a boundary of like what is available in an online session from what you’re seeing in their porn versus what is available in an in-person session. And I feel like criminalization also plays a major role in the upkeeping of the whorearchy where we can actually talk about what services that we offer if we’re doing in-person work, and I feel like it just got deeply embedded into a lot of femdom content.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I feel like the fight for decriminalization now really does lead a pretty big charge. And you’re right, it’s very much bonded with that. Because that was another thing, it was like, “Oh, well, we don’t …” As a femdom, not getting naked meant that things I was doing were more legal or et cetera, ad nauseum.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I used to also have this kind of feeling of, “Oh, I don’t want to do things in my videos that my clients would perceive as things that I wouldn’t necessarily do.” And then I started to really look at some of my videos and go…
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yes. Would you do that in real life?
Goddess Alexandra Snow: 80% of the fantasy things that I do in my videos aren’t real life, do they really think that I’m going to do them?
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Executrix.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yeah, exactly. Do you think I’m going to kill you with a plastic bag? I mean, I’m all about doing breath play, but I’m probably actually not going to kill you, because you know what, it’s really inconvenient to get a disposable body, especially in a city. Okay? I don’t know. I think what we didn’t want to do is we didn’t want to confront our own internalized misogyny. I think that was really overcoming that boundary. So if you like, I’ll tell you the story about me starting to get naked on camera.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I would love to hear that.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And by the way, and then I will tell you that I am starting to ramp up also shooting my own actual femdom porn, and I’m so fucking excited about it.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: That’s so exciting.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And actually for years, I had plans to go and shoot with kink.com and do really extreme stuff, but under the agreement that none of it could be released until after I’d retired, so that the moment I retired, I would give the biggest fucking mind fuck to all of my fans of being like, “Yeah, do you want to see me get real with three dicks? Watch this. I’m going to give you the best corky scene.”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I really wanted to premiere with a video with like jizz all over my face and looking up at the camera being like, and be like, “Ha ha, bitch. How many times did you jerk off to me now? How do you feel about this?” I don’t know it’s actually going to happen, it’s still on the back burner, but that’s beside the point.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Anyway, all right. So it has become a little bit more commonplace knowledge, but I went through a really terrible divorce. And my ex and I owned a dungeon together. And I was very, very young when we got together. My ex was 20 years my senior, and the classic story of like older guy, young girl, sex worker is not one that unfortunately is that uncommon.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I went along with his kind of story about the things we should and shouldn’t do, right? And when we had gotten separated, one of the things that I felt really strongly about was my own sexualities. My husband and I didn’t … my ex husband and I, thank God, didn’t really have sex. And here I was, this high powered, very well known femdom pro-dom who was orchestrating all these beautiful sexual fantasies for other people and having none of them for myself.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And in fact, it was almost like I was prohibited from having sexual pleasure. And so after we separated, I, A, went and became the biggest slut possible. It was great. I’m happy. I can’t wait for the pandemic to be over so I can be a slut all over again, like a moral ethical slut. And what happened was that as I was getting ready to break out of him telling me you can’t get naked, don’t get naked sort of thing, and my own internalized feelings of it.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And then we started to have- He started to come after me for my own brand. And it looked like he was going to try to come after me for the proceeds and try to take my brand from me. And at that point, I thought, “As soon as I start showing my tits online, I’m going to start making a lot more money. Am I willing to let him profit from my tits? No, it feels like him taking my autonomy away from me a second time. No, I won’t have that happen.” So we had planned for a while this kind of big reveal, and I had made a bit of a, kind of a launch for it. I was going to do sort of-
Mistress Danielle Blunt: A launch.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: … Yeah, a launch, exactly. And in fact, the very first video that we shot was me and it was five or six other women. And it was just me and then all their hands come in and it was just like touching my breasts while I’m getting topless. And it’s great because I think I sold the very first one for like a thousand dollars for the clip.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And these are things that you just can do if you’ve built a brand that’s based on these things. I don’t think I could do it now even. This was only a year ago. Was it? No, it’s going on… A year and a half ago. And really what it was is I was just waiting for the divorce to have been finalized enough that I could keep the money I was making from my own tits.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: So now, actually is it going on two … I guess it’ll be two years in August. So yeah, it’s been about a year and a half. And I love it. I love it. There are so many times that I have to remember the branding that I’ve built with some of the things that I’ve done to not just go, “Well, fuck it, I just want to be naked.” Sometimes, A, sometime I just want to naked because you feel good about your body that day and you just want to or, B, because clothes don’t fit right or, B, because like-
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Latex is hard.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yeah, latex is hard. Exactly. Or like, I don’t know, my bra doesn’t fit right, my nipple is popping out every time I’m trying to do something. I’m like, “You know what? I could just take this off and it’d be so much easier, right?” So I don’t know. I felt I was going to get a lot more backlash from it.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I thought other doms are going to be like, “Oh, you whore, you whatever,” and to which that I was going to be like … But none of that happened. Honestly, the only thing that really did happen when I went from being the unapproachable, unobtainable, fully clothed whatever to showing my amazing tits was the speed with which that guys were pirating these videos.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I’m talking about sometimes within 10 minutes of you putting online, they were crowdfunding them. I was a celebrity who was now doing the thing, right? And so that was probably the only thing that I didn’t account for honestly.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: That’s interesting.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And in fact, there were entire subreddits devoted to my topless videos. I didn’t even know they existed, I was kind of like, “Do you guys have something better to do? You know you could just buy the video,” and they’re like, “No, if we all put $20 in, we can all have the video together.” I’m like, “You guys are just like porn goblins is really what they are.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Porn goblins is a good one.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I can’t imagine making friendships with other dudes on the internet for whom the only thing you really have in common is jerking off over the same person that you’re like trading videos back and forth.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: It’s very like a homophilia relationship that’s definitely not spoken about enough.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Oh, wait. So you like weird porn stuff and also find these things very curious from an anthropological perspective. Did you know there’s an entire subreddit, I can send it to you after I remember what it’s called, in which the guys all will post photos of whatever girl and ask another dude to role play as that girl to get them off.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Oh my God, I love it.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: It’s huge. It’s a huge subreddit. When I walked into it, because somebody had used one of my photos and was like, “Well, can somebody pretend to be her?” And they list the activities and at first I thought, “Oh, wait, are they … Why is somebody using my photos and listing activities? You could just buy those videos with those activities. Oh.” And it’s literally like the guys will pretend to be the girl and like-
Mistress Danielle Blunt: They’re lending each other a hand.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Right. And they know it’s another dude doing it.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I went on a date with this submissive man and he had actually answered some of the Craigslist ads for like no homo just hand jobs and that was his thing. And he would pretend it was his first time and he knew all these other dudes were pretending it was their first time. I was picked up off my feet by this story, I was like, “Oh my God, I’m mesmerized.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: And so I could recognize some of the ads that I used to look at on Craigslist and he was like, “Oh yeah, him, that’s what this guy is like.” I guess I hadn’t spoken to someone who was actually actively eroticizing the deception of pretending like, “It’s totally not gay. It’s just my first time. No homo, we’re just going to give each other bro hand jobs on the couch.”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Wow. I mean, I think we have to deal with a lot of our own internalized issues, but I couldn’t imagine internalizing my sexuality or my conflict with my sexuality so much that, that would be the way that I had to get off on it.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: A lot of work.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yeah, okay.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I love that he eroticized that like-
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I love it.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yeah, and was open about it. I was like, “This is amazing.” At one point he’s like, “Is this kind of freaking you out?” I’m like, “No.”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: No. No, keep going.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: More. More. I really loved it. But it’s very interesting. It also kind of reminds me, this is kind of different, but on my early days on the internet, I would pretend to be a hot young woman. And then-
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Pretending? How did that work?
Mistress Danielle Blunt: … I was definitely underage.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Oh, I see.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I was fantasizing about being older and I was like 18 with like blonde hair and blue eyes, because that’s what I was seeing in porn. And then as soon as the guy was about to come, I’d be like, “Just kidding, I’m an old man in my mom’s basement,” and I would shut the computer and masturbate violently, masturbate to what it was.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I love that.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I was getting off on catfishing people and controlling your orgasm and like ruined orgasms.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I love it.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I never would have had the language to know what the fuck I was doing if it wasn’t for this, so thank you BDSM.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I identify with that so much on so many levels. I think I did some very similar things, but back in the days of bondage.com. This is back before FetLife was a thing and that was the place where you got to troll guys. And it was the same way. I used to come in and pretend to be–because there’s always like male doms, like heavily fem sub sort of thing.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I would come in with these things or like I was like this cute and young fem sub, “And yes, sir, I’ll do everything you want. And I’ll make all your fantasies come true,” blah, blah, blah, blah. And then somewhere across the course it’d be like, “Oh yeah, absolutely. Mm-hmm (affirmative). I am totally a dude in my mom’s basement.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Oh my God, really?
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yes. If only I’d had the presence to go masturbate violently to that. But I would actively go after the guys who looked like they were the worst of the worst. Yes.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And now we get paid for that kind of stuff.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Oh my god, I like that you were going there to sort of like to show them that they’re not helpful.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I think I was mostly going after guys who were like just the most misogynistic, like believing in the shtick sort of nonsense. I don’t know. I had a period of my early training where I didn’t go through this kind of leather guard stuff, but I started out for about a year and a half also being a submissive, mostly because I had like an identity crisis.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I started out pretty young too, way younger than I was supposed to have been legally, but no one caught us back then, right? And realized that it was just really not for me. And although that kind of brings the next question or actually the next topic is, in addition to this whole fourth wave getting nude is now okay and raw, raw, raw, like female empowerment, which we’re seeing a lot-
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I liked how you’re going raw, raw, raw. I didn’t know we were talking about tits.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I’ve also kind of noticed a little bit of a trend toward doms now being open about the fact that you don’t necessarily have to be only into being sexually dominant 100% of the time, that it is okay. You can still be a femdom and have, say, I don’t know, a desire to be masochistic or like to bottom in a scene or like to do any other things that might be contrary to the very standard male sub, archetype of what a femdom should be.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And that makes me really happy because that’s how most people are. Most people are complex, nuanced creatures who have different ways in which their sexuality manifests. And why would we be expected to be only pure, this pure creature who only likes to do the sex the one way?
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I do need a biannual beating to keep me comfortable
Goddess Alexandra Snow: The biannual beating. Do you put it on your calendar that way, biannual beating?
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Basically, yeah. That’s when I will be contacting pro-doms.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I love it.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: But yeah, I feel like so many of us are switches to some extent. And I also think switches are people who have experienced submission make better doms.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: 100%. Yeah.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: You can understand what someone’s going through a little bit more. I actually have an ad up on a switch website in a submissive session, and it just says like the tribute, like, “You can’t afford this.” Just waiting for the one person who can. And if it’s enough, it would be kind of enjoyable for me.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I would. I agree with that. This is the same way people ask me, like, “Would you ever escort?” and I’m like … I have mad respect and props for people who escort. And I think you’ve also done like sugar babying and stuff like that. I have such mad respect for that mostly because it feels like way less work than our actual job. Not that it is not also work.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Definitely it takes up more of your time.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: It’s a different type of work. But for me, I feel like if I could somehow get past the idea that I might throw up in somebody’s mouth if they tried to kiss me and they wanted me to meet and if I really didn’t like them, if I get somehow get past that idea that I would love doing it, I would love the sexual control of it sort of thing.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: But I think I lost my train of thought. Oh, but I’ve also thought like I’m not a masochist, unfortunately. I’d kind of like to be more of a masochist sometimes because I feel like I’m a little bit of a pussy. If somebody like smacks my ass, and I like really rough sex, I’m really into like breath play and choking and stuff. But if somebody smacks my the wrong way I’m like, “I’ll fucking kill you.”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Like, “No, that’s not the rough I wanted.” I’ve often thought if somebody paid me enough to to do a switch session, how much would it be?
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I know. It’s hard-
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Do you think they could do it? Come in the room and really have a straight face, do you think that it could happen? Because I have been in situations where a guy was like, “Yeah, I’m totally going to top you,” like in a personal setting. And I will make eye contact for like 20 seconds too long, maybe two seconds too long and they just lose it, they’re like, “Okay, guess you’re in charge now,” and like, “Damn it, that’s not what I wanted though. Just choke me and then dick me down. That’s what I want.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I’ve definitely trained my ex to fuck me like a human fuck machine. And it’s like there’s a hand on the throat because it just feels good, and it’s exactly what he’s supposed to do and it’s perfect. And I like if someone should like would walk in on it would be like, “Oh, this kind of looks like she’s being more submissive” until you hear the words that are spewing from my mouth.”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Oh, no, of course. But that’s why you’re like, “No, I want you to do this and this and this and that’s like uh-huh.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I thought you will be here, you’ll be right here. This is what I’ll be saying. This is what you’ll be saying. Great, good work. Go team, go.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And you’ve done it right when you get done and you have to high-five each other, you’re like, “Yes.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yeah. I don’t know what … I don’t quite know what my number is. I liked the question, like what is it worth to you? If you want to dom me, what is it? What is it worth to you? Classically trained as a submissive. I got all my branding words down so I’m upping that number a little bit.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I don’t really have that much experience being submissive, like at least not since I was like 18. But I think my experience as a dom, because as you said, people who have experience as a submissive obviously are much better doms. I think the reverse is also true, is that I think I’d be a hell of a pro-sub because I know all the right things to say.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I would know all the things that I want to hear as a dom. I just think that if I … My heart really wouldn’t be in it unless I somehow really felt compelled for this person, and I have yet to meet that fucking person. One day maybe, I don’t know.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yeah, exactly. And I feel like as a woman, the more you come into your sense of personal power, it’s not that we get less likely to want to bottom in situations, it’s just that we find people for whom bring us a natural desire to have that level of play, we’d meet less of them because we’re like, “Oh, yeah, but I want you to play at my level. And I’m already here so you got to meet me here,” right?
Mistress Danielle Blunt: That’s why I hire pro-doms. It’s the way to go. And plus because it’s like all of the people with the skill sets that I have are my friends, I just want to go and not Mistress Blunt drag and just be like, “Hello, I know nothing.”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yeah, that’s another thing. I’m glad that, that’s … I’ve noticed that’s becoming more normalized over the last year is that we’re talking about pros hiring other pros. And I’m kind of surprised that, that wasn’t more prevalent. And maybe it was, we just didn’t really talk about it until now. Mostly because what’s the group of people who are already sexually open and have had pretty good leads in what our sexual desires are and also have disposable income? Why wouldn’t we be hiring each other? Right?
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Exactly.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yeah. I really liked the idea of, and this is. I don’t do a lot of faindom, but I do a lot of like goddessy worship stuff, is I love the idea that I am going to go hire someone and I’m going to make a [submissive] pay for it, and they know nothing about it. I love the idea of like cuckolding someone with another sex worker. Clutch.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: So good. I love that. It’s funny. I just thought of it now, but I don’t know why I didn’t think of it when you were painting this amazing boob corky scene. But I’ve also thought about shooting for kink.com for like a heavy bottoming scene and just be like, “You can’t even fucking take that? Are you fucking kidding me?”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yes. Yes, that’s exactly what I wanted to do. I want to do a video where I’m heckling the doms so hard that like one of them is like, “Oh my God, do we have anything we could just shut her up with?” and be like, “I bet you don’t. Just watch me.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Actually, I think one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen in porn I think it might have been, it was Daisy Ducati or a Princess Donna, I think. I think it was one of them. But the sub was scared of the cattle prod and just took it and shocked their tongue in the middle of a porn scene, she’s like, “What?” and I’m like, “Oh!”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Okay. One of the ladies in my collective is, and she’s actually one of my founding members is Noel Knight. Before Noel came to Ohio, she actually shot for kink.com for a story about in the first year that it was out, first year or two. And believe it or not, she was listed for years as the one who took the most. And it was taking 50 somewhat cattles, cattle prod strikes to the pussy from Princess Donna.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I think that she took one to the tongue in one of those early on. And I listened to her talk about it, she was like, she’s like, “Yeah,” she’s like, “Okay. Yeah, you can take it. Okay, you can take it.” And I looked at her and I was like, “I can take about 25 more.” And she goes, “Can you?” and she was like, “Yeah, right to the pussy. Go ahead, try me.” And I watched this video and I was like, “Girl, you’re hardcore. I love it. Do you want to come be here? Do you want to come get gay here because I feel like we could do this?”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yeah, let’s do this. Oh my God, yeah. I feel like what we’re talking about there is kind of like who has power in these archetypal plays with power. Like the dom is supposed to have it all and the sub is like, “No, take it from me,” rather than like, “Oh, you can take more from me.” There’s a little bit of pushback of where the power is laying there, and I really love that.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: And which is also I love playing with switches because, or just people who understand that their submission is not for everyone. Even out of like play experiences, I’d rather dominate someone who is … And I really only do dominate people who understand their power and how they handle it while they move through the world. Because I want to take something away from someone, I don’t want to just take something from someone who doesn’t feel like they have it.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Well, I believe that power, at least as we kind of consider it, is also very nuanced. I stopped saying power exchange a long time ago because we’re not really talking about power, we’re talking about authority. You know what I mean? And in that control and authority and responsibility are all fluid and they shift throughout, right? And so it becomes a lot of mindfuckery to play with.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: If someone who may spend a lot of time being very high powered and in a lot of, a position of authority in the world and then to come in and … It’s not that you just take it from them in one single bite, right? You’re slowly pulling on the threads that open this tapestry of who they are as a human being. And then when you return them at the end of it, they didn’t lose power, right? They lost parts of their ego that were probably holding them back. And that to me made being a pro-dom so much more valuable as time went on.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yeah. And I think it’s like breaking someone down to remove obstacles in their path, not necessarily for like total destruction of a human. There’s an upcharge for that of course if you did want to absolutely be destroyed.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: The destruction is an additional $500 an hour and then there’s like two hours of aftercare. And okay, I’ll send you the bill, it’s right here.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I’m going to hop off out of town and my financial team will reach out to you.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Please make sure you sign this waiver right here. Okay, thanks very much.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yeah, great. Yeah, I think conceptualizing as like and interrogating what is power and what is authority, and what is perceived, and what power do you actually have that you’re not realizing is something that I like to play with a lot in scenes especially when sessioning with cis men.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Mm-hmm (affirmative). And it’s kind of fascinating how if you’re not a cis man that you go through life understanding how much power you usually don’t have, how much you have to fight for each little thing, and what the, I don’t know, what the fight for recognition looks like, what the fight for authority looks like, what the fight for just getting the same fair share click looks like.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I think especially most cis hetero white men never really fully understand what they have until you start to remove it from them, right? Until they’re really having to experience that. We talk about like there’s a big divide sometimes or that previous there was a big divide between the online world and the in-person world, right? And as someone who had to straddle those worlds for so long, I used to listen to people shit on each other on both sides.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And the pandemic never made that even better for me because I was watching everybody have to go, “Oh, shit. We have to get along. That way we all live together,” it’s like, “Yeah, bitches, you’re all sluts together so everybody’s got to make nice.” But is it seeing how that was a very particular type of play that sometimes was wrapped up inside the bondage or the corporal or this or that or whatever? And really what it was, was showing someone what their privilege looked like and then removing that privilege one layer at a time.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: That’s what makes a hot scene, I think.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yeah. I mean, gosh, I wish I would give an upcharge for dismantling white male privilege. I’d put it there as like a menu item, but I don’t think very many of them would actually order it the way that they think they’re ordering it. Maybe dismantling white male privilege is my discount code.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Which is actually an upcharge.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Exactly.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: I love that. You were saying something, immediately wrap up the conversation and we can end on this. You were saying about a new porn endeavor, I believe.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Oh, yes. Okay. I will be the first one to tell you that I’m almost to … Hold on, I’m going to pull up my inventory spreadsheet. I’m going to tell you that I am currently at 2,700 videos that I’ve made just for the Goddess Alexandra Snow brand, not for my original one that’s Vicious Beauty. So let me tell you what, I’m bored. I’m real bored.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: I get to do some cool stuff, but honestly I’m really, really bored of just talking to the camera. I really enjoy getting to actually do stuff with actual people. We’ve been planning this for a little while. I’m not really going to retire, retire, but I am going to start phasing out a POV.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And the problem is, is like, much as everyone else has figured out in the pandemic, is that once you’re kind of dependent on one type or one stream of income, it becomes difficult to reestablish yourself in another one enough that you can say goodbye to that other one, right?
Goddess Alexandra Snow: We’ve been putting money aside for the capital for this new project, and we’re almost getting ready to start. And our new porn project is going to be porn that is made by women for everyone, not just this white men, straight hetero porn consumption, which is kind of how porn has been made for so long.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: There have been outliers, there have been great projects and there’s been some really cool people out there doing it, but as a whole, porn is still marketed and expressly designed to be consumed by this one crowd, and we want to make it so it’s important for everyone. But the thing that’s magical in that is that we want to do porn storytelling. So we want to make super cinematic story-focused videos and audio and writing, we’re going to try to do the whole gamut, and really start to look at fantasies from a different concept.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I will at least for a while still maintain a pretty prominent role in it mostly because I have to use my … I have to leverage my brand to make that project go. But we’re going to shoot with anybody and everybody who wants to be involved. I’m hoping to be able to … Yes, you want to come out and do a cool set. And what I really want to do is I want to take individuals and be like, “Let’s talk about fantasies that you have that are your core fantasies and I want to try to build a movie around it.”
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And the idea is that there are people who’ve done some really good cinematic porn, but it still tends to be fairly hetero-focused, is that I want to take it so that we go after the story, the situation. I want to build drama. I want to build drama the way that you build it in a movie and there just happens to be sex and stuff inside it, and really get into the meat of a fantasy. And so that’s what I’m really excited to do.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: That sounds so fun. And I feel like so much of what we do in a session is building that fantasy for someone, that being able to capture that kind of storymaking ability in film will be really fun to get.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And that’s kind of the other part of it is like, I think sometimes we as performers or as models, maybe not necessarily you and I who have a lot more control over the stuff that we make and have kind of had said, “Fuck you, I don’t care,” to anybody who didn’t want to buy things that we weren’t into, but I think a lot of models probably don’t get the opportunity to make things they would get off to necessarily.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: And I love to be able to give that experience to someone, like, “No. No, come in. We’ll take your fantasy, let’s build it into something that we think can be sold. And then let me find the people, let me make the scene. I’m going to cater to you as the performer,” and because then they’re going to be authentic in it and it’s a lot more fun. It’s just fun to give somebody that experience, and if you can also make money doing it, it’s like a home run.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Totally. I love that. Well, I can’t wait to watch or maybe come for a trip to Ohio.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yes. We’ll also be traveling too. The difference is I’m in a … We’re in a production environment where it’s like everything hinges on me and now we’re going to be in a more traditional production environment where we’re bringing talent in and doing several days with the filming and doing all that stuff. Yeah, it takes a little bit of rearranging.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Yeah. Well, that’s awesome. That sounds exciting.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yeah, thanks.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Cool. And where can people find you?
Goddess Alexandra Snow: The best way to obtain all of my stuff is actually Alexandrasnow.com is my portal site and it has links to everything, from in-person sessions to getting to my OnlyFans. My membership site is Goddesssnow.com and that has the lion’s share of my content, but Alexandrasnow.com has links to my video stores, to my websites, to my fan clubs, my social media, all of that stuff in one-stop shop.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Awesome. And folks can find me at Mistressblunt.com or MistressBlunt on Twitter and Instagram until I get deleted.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: It’s playing Russian roulette every time you make a post, isn’t? You’re like, “Is today the day? Today is the day.”
Mistress Danielle Blunt: And then you have one starting to do really well and then just goodbye.
Goddess Alexandra Snow: Yeah.
Mistress Danielle Blunt: Well, awesome. It was so lovely to chat with you.
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